US State Mottos Flashcards
What is Alabama’s state motto?
Audemus jura nostra defendere (We dare maintain our rights)
This motto emphasizes the state’s commitment to defending its rights.
What does Alaska’s state motto ‘North to the Future’ represent?
Alaska as a land of promise
This motto was chosen in 1967 during the Alaska Purchase Centennial.
What is the meaning of Arizona’s state motto ‘Ditat Deus’?
God enriches
This motto reflects the belief in divine providence.
Translate Arkansas’ state motto ‘Regnat Populus’.
The people rule
This motto emphasizes the democratic principle of governance.
What does California’s motto ‘Eureka’ refer to?
Discovery of gold
‘Eureka’ has been the state motto since 1963 and appeared on the state seal since 1849.
What is the Latin translation of Colorado’s state motto ‘Nil Sine Numine’?
Nothing without providence or deity
This motto signifies the importance of divine guidance.
What does Connecticut’s state motto ‘Qui Transtulit Sustinet’ mean?
He who transplanted still sustains
This motto reflects the state’s roots and resilience.
Since when has Delaware’s motto been ‘Liberty and Independence’?
This motto encapsulates the state’s values.
What is Washington, D.C.’s motto?
Justitia Omnibus (Justice for All)
This motto reflects the city’s commitment to justice.
What is Florida’s state motto?
In God We Trust
This motto is the same as the national motto.
What are the three pillars of Georgia’s state motto?
Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation
These values are depicted on the state seal.
What is Hawaii’s state motto?
Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono (The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness)
This motto was uttered by King Kamehameha III in 1843.
Translate Idaho’s state motto ‘Esto Perpetua’.
Let it be perpetual / It is forever / Be eternal
This motto signifies a lasting legacy.
What is Illinois’ state motto?
State Sovereignty, National Union
This motto reflects the balance of state and federal powers.
What has been Indiana’s state motto since 1937?
The Crossroads of America
This motto highlights Indiana’s central location in the U.S.
What is Iowa’s state motto?
Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain
This motto emphasizes the importance of freedom and rights.
What does Kansas’ motto ‘Ad astra per aspera’ mean?
To the stars through difficulties
This motto illustrates perseverance and ambition.
What is Kentucky’s state motto?
United we stand, divided we fall
This motto comes from ‘Liberty Song’ by John Dickinson.
What is Louisiana’s state motto?
Union, Justice, Confidence
This motto reflects core values of the state.
What does Maine’s state motto ‘Dirigo’ mean?
I direct / I guide
This motto signifies leadership and guidance.
Translate Maryland’s state motto ‘Fatti maschii, parole femine’.
Strong deeds, gentle words
This Italian proverb reflects a balance of strength and compassion.
What is Massachusetts’ state motto?
Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem (By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty)
This motto emphasizes the importance of liberty.
What is Michigan’s state motto?
Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice (If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you)
This motto highlights Michigan’s geographical features.
What is Minnesota’s state nickname?
L’etoile du Nord (Star of the North)
This French phrase reflects the state’s northern location.
What does Mississippi’s motto ‘Virtute et Armis’ mean?
By valor and arms
This motto emphasizes bravery and strength.
Translate Missouri’s state motto ‘Salus populi suprema lex esto’.
Let the good of the people be the supreme law
This motto underscores the importance of public welfare.
What is Montana’s state motto?
Oro y Plata (Gold and Silver)
This motto reflects the state’s mineral wealth.
What is Nebraska’s official state motto?
Equality Before the Law
This motto signifies the principle of justice.
What is Nevada’s state motto?
All for Our Country
This motto reflects patriotism and unity.
What is New Hampshire’s famous state motto?
Live Free or Die
This motto comes from a statement by Revolutionary General John Stark.
What is New Jersey’s state motto?
Liberty and Prosperity
This motto reflects the state’s values and aspirations.
Translate New Mexico’s state motto ‘Crescit Eundo’.
It grows as it goes
This motto reflects progress and development.
What is New York’s state motto?
Excelsior (Ever Upward)
This motto signifies aspiration and ambition.
What does North Carolina’s state motto ‘Esse quam videri’ mean?
To be, rather than to seem
This motto emphasizes authenticity and integrity.
What is North Dakota’s state motto?
Liberty and Union Now and Forever, One and Inseparable
This motto reflects unity and freedom.
What is Ohio’s state motto?
With God, All Things Are Possible
This motto was chosen after a contest in the 1950s.
What is Oklahoma’s state motto?
Labor Omnia Vincit (Work conquers all)
This phrase appears on the state seal but is not officially recognized as the motto.
What is Oregon’s state motto?
She Flies With Her Own Wings
This motto has been in use since 1987.
What is Pennsylvania’s state motto?
Virtue, Liberty, and Independence
This motto reflects core values of the state.
What is Rhode Island’s state motto?
This single word encapsulates the state’s spirit.
What are South Carolina’s two state mottos?
- Animis Opibusque Parati (Prepared in mind and resources)
- Dum Spiro Spero (While I breathe I hope)
These mottos appear on the state seal.
What is South Dakota’s state motto?
Under God the People Rule
This motto emphasizes democratic governance.
What has been Tennessee’s state motto since 1801?
Agriculture and Commerce
This motto reflects the state’s economic foundation.
What is Texas’ state motto?
This motto was chosen in 1930 and reflects the state’s name origin.
What is Utah’s state motto?
This motto became official in 1959, reflecting the state’s work ethic.
What is Vermont’s state motto?
Freedom and Unity
This motto signifies the importance of both liberty and togetherness.
What is Virginia’s state motto?
Sic Semper Tyrannis (Thus always to tyrants)
This motto reflects the state’s historical commitment to freedom.
What is Washington’s territorial motto?
Al-ki / Alki (Bye and Bye)
This motto has not been formally adopted by the legislature.
What is West Virginia’s state motto?
Montani Semper Liberi (Mountaineers are always free)
This motto reflects the spirit of independence.
What is Wisconsin’s state motto?
This motto emphasizes progress and advancement.
What is Wyoming’s state motto?
Equal Rights
This motto reflects the state’s history of women’s suffrage.