US QA Flashcards
What is the relevant IPEM report for USQA?
IPEM 102
What is a TETO?
Tissue Equivalent Test Object
How do you do in-air reverb test?
Min focus
Max gain
Measure to last reverb that stretches across central third of image.
How do you do in-air B-mode noise test?
Reduce TGCs to min over reverb
Maximum gain, then reduce until noise appears in distal part of image.
Record gain
Equation for ISB_60?
What are 3 benefits of OTTO over TETO for calliper accuracy measurements?
1) no compression
2) correct speed of sound
3) TETO degrades
How fast is the shear wave in shear wave elastography?
1 - 10 m/s
How is the shear wave velocity related to the elastic modulus in shear wave elastography?