U.S History Topic 1 FC Flashcards
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What is another name for the Roanoke Colony?
Lost Colony
When was Jamestown Founded?
What company had the rights to found Jamestown?
Virginia Company of England
What happened during the Founding of Jamestown?
The colonist struggled to survive
When did the colonist sail up the James River
How did the colonists struggle to survive
They struggled with Natives, Resources, and Disease
Who lead the colony
John Smith
What was John Smith’s motto
Don’t Work Don’t Eat
Who was the native american that John Smith married and was famous
Pocahantas part of Powhatan tribe
What crop grew espicially well in VIrginia
Who managed to bring this crop and in what year?
John Rolfe in 1612
What a person who pays off their passage by being a servant called
Indentured Servant
When did slaves start coming to America
Who and When started a revolt against protection from farmers
Nathaniel Bacon in 1676
What was the House of Burgesses
The first representative assembly
Why Slavery?
It was cheaper and easier
What did “power of the purse” refer to
HOB’s power to tax
What are the southern states?
Maryland, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia
Who was George Calvert
Lord Baltimore
What were the Southern state capitals
NC: Raliegh, SC: Columbia, ML: Annapolis, GA: Atlanta
How many acres were given above virginia
10 million
What was Baltimore
a city in Maryland
What is Maryland’s state sport
When did 8 nobles start a colony
What did the Toleration Act do
gave religous freedom to all settlers
What was Carolina famous for
tar, pitch, naval stores
What group of brothers were from NC and created the first airplane
Wright Brothers
What did SC have that was better than NC
Who got the right to Found Geogia
James Ogelthorpe
What was he previously
Soldier and philanthropist
Why was Georgia Founded?
To be a refuge for debtors
What was the first planned city
Savannah (bananas)
When did the English church break with catholics?
What was the religous group that wanted to purify the church
Who were Separatists
What were people who were protesters who faced persecution called?
What was a charter for a new place to settle
Mayflower Compact
When did many Pilgrims settle in Holand
What was the starving time?
a period where half of the colonists die
September 1620
When Plymouth England went to Virginia London Company
Who was the indian that saved them?
Who was the govenor of virginia
William Bradford
When was PLymouth Colony formed
When did Charles 1 supprese Puritans
Puritans gain charter from MBC
Who and when did Rhode Island form from
In 1631 Roger Williams
Roger Williamsreceives a charter for religous freedom
John Wheelwright establishes new hampshire
NY becomes a royal colony
New Jersey Attracts Settlers by
granting large land