us. history test Flashcards
Roaring 20s
a period of great change and tension
“culture civil war”
old conservative christian values and traditions were questioned and replaced with new liberal anti-christian ideas
- religion was questioned for the first time
Great Migration
blacks move from the south to the north
- created “racial tension”
Who was blamed for all the bad in the new society?
Immigrants, Catholics, and blacks
“Red Scare”
a fear that there was going to be a communist take over of the american government
18th ammendment - “Noble Experiment”
- Led by the women’s temperance union
- illegal to manufacture, buy or sell alcohol
Volstead Act
closed all taverns, bars, and saloons in USA
Gangsters (Bootleggers)
ran illegal alcohol businesses/brought “booze” from canada
underground alcohol/dance clubs
Farmers “Moonshiners”
rural areas made homemade recipes (whiskey)
What was the main reason Prohibition ended?
alcohol was a huge tax revenue for local, state, and federal governments
the acquisition of material goods beyond what is necessary
Modern inventions that made life easier in the 20s
- automobiles
- radio
- household appliances
Who were the early leaders of the women and reform movement?
- susan b. anthony
- elizabeth cady stanton
- lucrecia mott
Seneca Falls Convention
- first women’s rights convention
- official beginning of the women’s rights movement
women’s activists
who were the leaders of the american feminist movement?
alice paul and lucy barns
19th ammendement
gave women the right to vote
- led to the sexual revolution
sexual revolution
- women gained a new sense of freedom and independence
- began to work outside the home for the first time
Planned Parenthood
- founded by Margaret Sanger
- set up to rid society of too many poor black and immigrant children
- motto: less children brought more freedom
What/who was responsible for millions of abortions in the Usa during the 20s?
Planned Parenthood/Margaret Sanger
the unconventional new women who wore their hair short, wore makeup, wore short skirts, smoked and drank just like men
“freedom torches”
scopes monkey trial
God or revolution taught in schools
what was the impact of the scopes monkey trial?
- evolution began to be taught in public schools as a result
what were the new musical styles created during the 20s?
Jazz and the Blues
Who were 2 very popular musicians during the 20s?
George Gershwin - jazz composer
Louis Armstrong - jazz trumpeter
Cotton Club
most famous jazz club in Harlem
Danze Craze
The “Charleston”, the “shimmy”, and “the flea hop” - most famous dance steps
What new source of communication and invention unified the nation?
The Radio
brought entertainment, news, weather, sports, etc. right into the home
WKDKA - Pittsburg
1st radio station in America
films with words in the 20s
“The Jazz Singer”
1st “talkie” film
Actresses of the 20s
- greta garbo
- mary pickford
Actors of the 20s
- Charlie Chaplin
- Rudolph Valentino
- Gary Cooper
The Automobile
- gave americans a sense of freedom and independence
- people went on vacation for the first time
Henry Ford
- greatest engineer of the time
- with his model t made autos affordable
- created the assembly line
auto capital of the world
What did the manufacturing of cars create?
created new industries
motels, gas stations, road construction and resorts
Harlem Renaissance
“New Negro Movement”
- celebration of african american culture
- began to create their own music, literature, and art
Charles Lindberg
“Lucky Lindy”
- 1st solo transatlantic airplane flight
- national hero
Marcus Garvey
- made the “back to africa movement”
- said it was hopeless to integrate the races in america
- encouraged negroes to be proud of their heritage and return home to their roots
W.E.B Du Bois
co-founder of the NAACP
Great Depression
severe worldwide economic crisis that took place during the 30s
causes of the great depression
- unequal distribution of wealth
- Overproduction in industry
- high tariffs
- easy credit
- stock market crash (banks had no insurance so most people lost their entire life savings overnight
what event marked the official beginning of the great depression?
the stock market crash
shanty towns during the great depression
the dust bowl
worst drought in american history
what was USA’s farm belt?
the great plains (texas, oklahoma, kansas, etc)
people who migrated to california on rt. 66 during the dust bowl
migrating worker or homeless vagabond
- most send their money home to their families, some abandoned them
when did the great depression end?
1941, when the US entered wwii
major causes of world war ii
- mistreatment of germany under the versailles treaty
- the great depression leads to the rise of dictators in europe
how did dictators rise up to power?
by promising to get countries out of the depression and bring prosperity.
What were the 4 extreme forms of government during ww2?
- Communism: Soviet Union/Russia
- Fascism: Italy and Spain
- Nazism: Germany
- Militarism: Japan
what were the shared ideologies of the 4 forms of government?
- demanded fanatic loyalty to leaders/country
- totalitarian/police states where the police or government controlled everything (people had no rights)
- racism: superiority of their race
Italy (Fascists)
- leader was benito musselini
spain (fascists)
francisco franco was the leader
Mein Kompf
“My Struggle” book written by Hitler - Nazis “Bible” “Master Race”
how does hitler come to power?
- promises to get the german people out of the depression
- promises revenge for german mistreatment in the versailles treaty
Brown Shirts (Stormstoppers)
help hitler to come to power (nazis militia)
German Police
Black Shirts (SS)
becomes hitler’s personal army - EVIL
“Blood Flag” symbol of the nazis
lebensborn program
breeding program between aryan women and SS officers
* goal was to create “racially pure” people
What were hitler’s undesirable groups?
- polish/russian
- Roma (gypsies)
- jehovah witness
- homosexuals
- handicapped
- negroes
- jews
why did hitler hate the “undesirable groups” so much?
he blamed them for germany’s loss in wwi and germany’s financial problems
what was the only country that hitler respected? why?
Great britain, because of its mighty empire
who were hitler’s biggest supporters?
Hitler youth and the SS
Nurenberg laws
anti-jewish laws in germany
segregated and labeled with “a star of david”
Munich Pact
Neville Chamberlain - prime minister of the UK makes the Appeasement policy and gives in to hitler’s demand to avoid war
why did the league of nations do nothing to stop the aggression of japan, italy, and germany?
the had a fear of another world war
molatov-rebbentrop pact
german-soviet union non-aggression pact: alliance between them