US History Review Flashcards
What is not a domestic policy issue faced by Presidents during the early republic?
Monroe Doctrine
Creating a national bank was important to Hamilton’s Financial Plan because it would:
Stabilize the economy
Causes such as impressment of U.S. sailors, trade restrictions, and U.S. interest in Canada led to what effect?
The war of 1812
The biggest issue facing the country when Washington took office as president was debt from:
The American Revolution
What caused the Whiskey Rebellion?
Passage of a new tax by the federal government
Political disagreements between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton after the Constitution was adopted led to:
The formation of the 1st political parties
What did George Washington warn against in his Farewell Address?
- Political Parties
- Alliances with Foreign Countries of Other Nations
By ending the Whiskey Rebellion, Washington proved that the:
Federal govt. had the power to enforce laws and ASSERTED ITS AUTHORITY
Marbury v. Madison established the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review which means:
The courts can declare a federal law unconstitutional
What was the result of the U.S. being cut off from British trade during War of 1812?
American industry/manufacturing increased because they couldn’t trade with Britain
How did Hamilton plan to raise revenue (money) to pay off state debt?
Raise Federal taxes and tariffs
How did Thomas Jefferson respond to Britain impressing sailors and attacking American ships?
He signed into law the Embargo Act of 1807
Why was the Embargo Act not a success?
It hurt America more than it did Europe
What was the cause of the Whiskey Rebellion?
A new tax
Alexander Hamilton believed this was necessary to stabilize economy
Establish a National Bank
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
U.S. will not allow further European colonization in South America nor any other part of the Western Hemisphere
What are the examples of foreign policies?
- War of 1812
- Neutrality
- Louisiana Purchase
- Monroe Doctrine
What are the examples of Domestic Policies
- XYZ Affair
- Marbury v. Madison
- Alien and Sedition Acts
- National court/bank
- Whiskey Rebellion
- Political Parties
What was President Washington’s policy regarding conflicts between European nations?
The U.S. should stay neutral and not get involved
Who wanted a Strong Central Govt?
Who wanted to protect state Powers?
Democratic - Republicans
Felt more power should be given to the average citizens
Democratic - Republicans
Wanted to balance power between the average citizen and the wealthier citizens
Promoted farmers and wanted to lower tariffs
Democratic - Republicans
Wanted to pass higher tariffs on foreign goods to promote manufacturing and business
Constitution should be loosely followed
We are against the idea of a national bank
Democratic - Republicans
States should be stronger than the national government
Democratic - Republicans
The national government should be stronger than the states
A national bank will help the economy
The federal government should pass tariffs
We support France
Democratic - Republicans
The main political divide between the Democratic - Republicans and the Federalists was:
How strong or weak should the fed govt be
The Whiskey Rebellion (D or F?)
Marbury v. Madison (D or F?)
Monroe Doctrine (D or F?)
The War of 1812 (D or F?)
Alien and Sedition Acts (D or F?)
Formation of Political Parties (D or F?)
Impressment of U.S. sailors by the British Navy
George Washington
Creating a court system, creating a National Bank and Whiskey Rebellion
John Adams
XYZ Affair, Alien and Sedition Acts, and Virginia/ Kentucky Resolutions
Thomas Jefferson
Embargo Act, Louisiana Purchase, and Lewis and Clark Expedition
James Madison
War of 1812
What issue was resolved in the Supreme Court case Gibbons vs. Ogden?
Whether the federal or state governments have the power to regulate (control) interstate commerce (trade)
Which country did the Alien & Sedition Acts, and XYZ Affairs deal with?
Alien Friends Act
The president can deport or remove any citizen or alien they considered dangerous or SPOKE OUT AGAINST the govt
Alien Enemies Act
The President can deport or detain any alien from a country we are at war with
Sedition Act
It is illegal to publish malicious writing about the govt
These Acts violate:
1st Amendment