US History: Progressivism Flashcards
a. was a tightly organized political movement with a specific set of reforms
b. was a political ideology advocating social, political and economic reforms through the state
c. was the idea that society continued to progress naturally
d. was a political movement that believed in world peace
Progressive social reformers were
a. working class immigrants
b. working class women
c. middle class, protestant, woman
d. middle class, catholic, men
Political bosses
a. were men trying to run for mayor in major urban centers throughout the United States
b. were men trying to change election results with the use of violence
c. were political leaders who asked for favors from the residents of urban cites
d. were political leaders who got people to vote for them by giving favorrs
The social gospel movement
a. strove to improve conditions in cities according to the biblical ideals of charity and justice
b. strove to convert newly arrived immigrants to protestant christianity
c. strove to teach the christian gospel to all peoples of the world
d. strove to improve the lives of christians
settlement houses
a. were operated by white middle class men
b. were opened up in rural communities to help out poor farmers
c. provided tools, horses and wagons for future settlers of the west
d. provided medical care, english classes, and hot lunches for the urban poor
a. were hournalists who investigated social conditions and political corruption
b. were journalists who wrote stories that supported large corporations
c. were journalists who wrote sensationalized stories about the lives of wealthy americans
d. were journalists who wrote stories that they were forced to write by the government
Jacob riis was a muckracker who wrote
a. the jungle
b. how we live
c. how they live
d. how the other half lives
a. is the pain one suffer while living in capitalistic world
b. is the right to vote
c. is the right to freedom from pain
d. is the right to free speech
This document was drafted at the seneca falls conference by Elizabeth cady stanton
a. the declaration of independence
b. the declaration of the rights of women
c. the declaration of sentiments
d. the declaration of suffrage
alice paul and national womans party strategy for sffrage was
a. a careful state by state plan
b. to support president wilson even though he did not support suffrage
c. to act ladylike
d. to focus on the passing a constitutional amendment
This amendment proclaimed that the right to “vote shall not be denied.. on the account of sex”
a. 16th amendment
b. 17th amendment
c. 18th amendment
d. 19th amendment
The national association for the advancement of colored people was founded by
a. booker t washington
b. web dubois
c. martin luther king jr
d. woodrow wilson
Plessy v. Ferguson
a. upheld segregation in the south
b. banned segregation in the south
c. overturned brown v the board of education
d. desegregated schools in the united states
Booker t washington advocated for african americans by
a. fighting for equal rights legislation
b. encouraged african americans to go to college and get professional degrees
c. encouraging african americans to learn vocational trades
d. encouraging african americans to resist white domination in the south
Which president is the youngest to serves as president
a. theodore roosevelt
b. howard taft
c. woodrow wilson
d. franklin roosevelt
During the progressive era, who is credited for earning Wisconsin the reputation as the “laboratory of democracy”
a. robert la follette
b. upton sinclair
c. jacob riis
d. howard taft