US History: Gilded Age Flashcards
The transcontinental railroad was built with the labor of
a. Mexican immigrants
b. Chinese immigrants
c. robots
d. Japanese immigrants
At the battle of little big horn, this brash colonel made a fateful mistake
a. colonel washington
b. colonel sittingbull
c. colonel carnegie
d. colonel custer
Following the civil war, the conflicts between the United States army and native american are know as
a. the indian wars
b. the conquest
c. the conflicts
d. the indian problem
Sitting bull was the leader of the native American Tribe
a. sioux
b. cheyenne
c. arapho
d. cherokee
The populist part consisted mostly of
a. factory workers
b. rich famers
c. wall street bankers
d. poor farmers
The populist supported William Jennings Byran because he supported
a. a silver backed dollar
b. a gold backed dollar
c. wall street bankers
d. rich farmers
In 1898, populist and republicans joined together and were known as the
a. union ticket
b. popular republicans
c. fusion ticket
d. deconstuctionists
The comstock strike in Nevada brought thousands of people to mine for
a. gold
b. silver
c. copper
d. platinum
Andrew Carnegie and the amalgamated association clashed at this Pennsylvania steel mill
a. haymarket
b. carnegie steel
c. frick steel
d. homestead
Henry Clay Frick used this private security force to burst the strike at homestead
a. pinkerton detective agency
b. pittsburg police department
c. carnegie thugs
d. amalgamated association
This russian Jewish political activist rushed to homestead to help out the steel workers on strike
a. emma goldman
b. emma goldberg
c. albert parsons
d. pullman cars
What is anarchism
a. a political philosophy that promotes a stateless society
b. a political philosophy that is only based on terror
c. a political philosophy based on the ideas of capitalism
d. a political philosophy that promotes a state drive society
The haymarket riot took place in this industrial midwest city
a. cleveland, ohio
b. chicago, illinois
c. detroit, michigan
d. buffalo, new york
The pullman strike closed down the nations
a. ports
b. coal mines
c. railways
d. airports
President Grover Cleveland responded to the pullman strike
a. by forcing the company to give in the demands of the workers
b. by sending in the army to protect the workers from scabs
c. by sending in the army to protect pullman’s rail cars
d. by forcing the company to shut down due to illegal business practices
Why did the workers walk out of the pullman palace car company
a. the workers wanted higher wages
b. pullman raised rent on worker
c. pullman lowered wages and kept rent high
d. pullman invited everyone to a company picnic
The united states government supported the settlement of the west by passing ___, which basically gave away the free land
a. move west act
b. ranch act
c. land act of 1862
d. homestead act
In 1886 the united states government passed the ___, which allotted land to native americans by giving each head of household 160 acres. This law was a attempt to assimilate native americas
a. dawes act
b. native land act
c. assimilation act
d. reservation act of 1886
Who was the american federation of labor (AFL) first leader?
a. samuel gompers
b. andrew carnegie
c. mary kenny o sullivan
d. george pullman
During the late 19th century, immigrants coming from europe stopped at this processing center
a. angel island
b. staten island
c. ellis island
d. manhattan island
Who was in charge of Tammany Hall, new york city’s democratic political machine
a. jacob riis
b. cornelius vanderbilt
c. eugene debbs
d. william m tweed
Which society idea used Darwin’s theory of natural selection to justify poverty and racism
a. social darwinism
b. social evolution
c. social selection
d. natural racism
Farmers organized and created ___ to hold back crops off the market to force its prices and negotiate better shipping rates with the railroads
a. farmers alliance
b. the grange
c. United farm workers
d. we are farmers
Which famous american coined the late 19th century era of industrialization the gilded age
a. mark twain
b. teddy roosevelt
c. henry david thoreau
d. author miller
The united states change drastically during the gilded age, in which was did this change occur
a. the gap between rich and poor got smaller
b. many new laws were passed that protected the rights of workers and minorities
c. many americans left the cities and moved to rural america
d. the united states population grew very rapidly and many americans moved to cities