U.S History Final Flashcards
Jim Crow Law
Laws that called for segregation in all public facilities.
Lynching Law
Law that allowed killing people by mob action, without trial.
What was the impact of the railroad on the country ?
- Transportation of larger quantities of goods over longer distances.
- Increased Commerce.
- Unite the Nation.
How did western settlements affect the Native Americans in the US?
- Settlers brought diseases.
- Introduce alcohol to Native Americans.
- Forced them off of their native land and into reservations.
- Forced children into settlement schools to be “Americanize”.
Homestead Act
Citizens could apply for a federal land grant and they must live on the land and farm it for 5 years.
What was the significance of the Mining Frontier ?
- First group of non-natives to move into the west.
- Resulted in the creation of many territories and states.
- Resulted in immigration into the US.
Long Drive
Cowboys drove herds of cattle to reach railroad stations, which typically took 2 months.
Dawes Act
Congress gave allotments to individual Native Americans, in attempt to create more free land and assimilate Native Americans.
Robber Barons
People who focus on making as much money as they can to only benefit themselves.
Captains of Industry
People who focus on enhancing the prosperity of the American economy through industry.
How does the government help big businesses?
The government created many regulations that allowed the big businesses to hire more people to make sure the regulations were met. It hurt the small businesses because they were not able to afford more employees, so many small business did not succeed.
A business with many share holders; they were formed to raise capital and expansion.
The Gilded Age
After the Civil War, it was a period when America undergoes many social problems, but they were hidden by the enormous growth of the country.
Streetcar Suburbs
Communities that developed by the use of the streetcar lines as their primary means of transportation to get to cities.
1st Wave of Immigration
From the 1500 to 1850, immigrants came from Northern and Western Europe. They were mostly protestant and irish catholic who came for settlement.
2nd Wave of Immigration
From 1860 to 1924, immigrants came from Asia, Southern Europe, and Eastern Europe. They were mostly jewish, catholic, and orthodox who came from work opportunities.
3rd Wave of Immigration
- 1964: US ends immigration.
- 1965: US allows immigration again.
- Immigrants came from Mexico who came as temporary workers.
4th Wave of Immigration
From 1965 to today, immigrants came from Asia, Latin America, and Africa who came for better all around opportunity. This is when the visa is created, which caused a lot of illegal immigration because it was hard to get.
An extreme dislike of immigrants by native-born people and the desire to limit immigration.
Knights of Labor
Labor organization who
- Rejected socialism and radicalism.
- Wanted the 8-hour day
- Social uplift of the workmen.
- Sometimes acted like a Labor Union, but was not very organized and soon failed.
American Federation of Labor. It was an association of labor unions branched from the Knights of Labor.
Haymarket Riot
A labor protest in Chicago’s Haymarket Square turned into a riot when someone threw a bomb at the police. It resulted in a setback in the success of labor movement.
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Prohibited monopolies and sustained competition to protect companies from each other and consumers from unfair business.
A social organization that fought for laws to help farmers and created Co-ops.
A group of radical farmers.
What were the beliefs and goals of the Populists?
- Gov’t control of key businesses.
- Anti-Immigration.
- Reform on politics
- Gold & silver standard
- Graduated Income
Why did the Populists die out ?
At the Election of 1896, they ran the same candidate as the Democrats, so they lost their independence as a party. When they lost the election, they lost support.
What were the beliefs and goals of the Progressives ?
They wanted to make the country a better place. They believe in
- Civil Rights
- Women’s Rights
- Better Education
- End Gov’t Corruption
- Worker’s Rights
- Environmentalism
- Temperance
Margaret Sanger
Birth control advocate; she went to jail for fighting for women’s rights.
Middle class, White, and mostly women. They were a collection of reform movements, not a unified group.
journalists who exposed corruption in politics and businesses.
Pure Food & Drug Act
“truth in labeling” law that created regulations on food and drugs being sold.
Social Gospel (Social Darwinism)
“survival of the fittest”. The weak should die out and let the strong survive. Also, it thought that it was against the laws of nature for the rich to aid the poor.
Settlement Movement
One of the progressive movements, the leaders worked on creating urban resources for the poor.
Theodore Roosevelt
Progressive Republican who becomes president after McKinley is assassinated.
Square Deal
President Theodore Roosevelt’s attempt to end all corruption. It entails…
- Sherman Anti - Trust Act
- Meat Inspection Act
- Pure Food & Drug Act
- Supporting both workers and businesses
Bull Moose Party
When President TR lost to Taft in his second run for president, he created this party which is a branch of the Progressive Party.
Woodrow Wilson
Progressive Democrat president after Taft.
What were the achievements of Woodrow Wilson as a president ?
- Trustbusting
- Social Reform
- Environmentalism
- Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve System
Central banking system of the United States.
John Muir
Leader of the Environmentalist Movement.
Federal Reserve Act
Act of Congress that set up the creation of the Federal Reserve System. It authorized the issue of Federal Reserve Notes (aka. US Dollar).
Underwood Tariff
Reduced tariffs and created the graduated income tax.
16th Amendment
Government can collect an income tax.
17th Amendment
The Senate will be composed of two senators from each state.
18th Amendment
Banned alcohol.
19th Amendment
Gave women the right to vote.
Taking over other countries as colonies. The idea separated the citizens of the US.
What were the motivations for Imperialism?
- More Resources
- Trade
- Coaling Station
- Spreading Christianity
White Man’s Burden
The idea that it was white people’s duty to take care of the inferior races.
Panama Canal
Canal that allowed US ships to travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific quick and efficiently.
Roosevelt Corollary
Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, it states that the US will intervene with European and Latin American countries.
Big Stick Diplomacy
Used by President TR, it enforced that the US will use military action if necessary when negotiating with other countries.
People against imperialism.
What were the causes of WWI ?
- Bosnian Serbs want to secede from Austria Hungary and join Serbia.
- The Black Hand kills the heir to the Austria Hungary throne. Serbia backs them.
- Russia mobilizes its army due to the alliance with Serbia.
- Germany told Russia to stop mobilizing its army due to its alliance with Austria Hungary. But Russia doesn’t listen.
- Germany mobilized its own army and declared war on Russia.
- Germany declares war on France, just because, using the Van Shiefflin Plan, which was via Belgium.
- Great Britain are allies with Belgium, so they declare war on Germany.
- Japan, honoring its alliance with Great Britain, helped in the war against Germany and Austria-Hungary as well.
- All in all, they cause was mainly because of the many webs of alliances and the cultural belief that war was good to define who was who.
What was the course of U.S. involvement in the war and its significance?
U.S starts off as neutral. But Germany begins to sink US neutral ships. So, US declares war on Germany.
Espionage Act
Law that prohibited interference with military operations, recruitment, and to support US enemies in war.
Sedition Act
Law that banned disloyalty to the US.
Fourteen Points
Made Woodrow Wilson, they were a list of points that kept the US in power after the war.
Treaty of Versailles
A peace treaty at the end of WWI.
League of Nations
Resulted from the Paris Peace Conference, it was a group of world powers who’s main goal is to maintain world peace.
Red Scare
Due to the Communists overthrowing their government in Russia. The United States reacts by deporting radical immigrants.
1920s Pop Culture
Media that spread due to the culture of the 1920s. Examples are jazz music, movies, and radios.
What caused the Great Depression ?
- Crash
- Overproduction of goods.
- Weak Industries
4 No help from the Federal Gov’t
What was the outcome of the Great Depression?
- Farm Income decreases
- Unemployment
- Banks failed
- Hoovervilles were created
- Soup Kitchens and Bread lines were created.
Harlem Renaissance
Time of prosperity for blacks in the US.
Great Migration
Migration of a whole bunch of African Americans back to Africa.
What was President Hoover’s response to the Great Depression ?
He oppose the government giving direct aid to people and suggested that private charities have that job.
1st New Deal
Issued by FDR, this was a series of bills and organizations to help end the Depression by relief, recovery and reform.
Bank Holiday
Banks reopen
Insurance of Deposits.
Fireside Chats
FDR’s radio talks.
Civilian Conservation Corp
Tennessee Valley Authority; created cheap power from dams, which created jobs.
Federal Emergency Relief Act; created welfare.
Agricultural Adjustment Act; paid farmers not to grow
National Industrial Recovery Act; Industries can set wages and prices.
2nd New Deal
This was created because Congress turned down many of the 1st New Deal programs. It relied on deficit spending.
Worker’s Progress Administration; hired people to do public works.
Social Security
Old age pension
Wagner Act
Right to unionize.
Fair Labor Standards Act
- Banned child labor.
- Sets minimum wage.
- Sets maximum workweek.
What were the criticisms of the New Deal?
- Too socialist.
- National debt increased.
- Still a lot of unemployment.
- Unconstitutional.
Dust Bowl
Period of sever dust storms which resulted in major ecological and agricultural damage to American land.
Who were the Okies?
Slang for poor migrants from Oklahoma. Many Oklahomans lost their farms during the Dust Bowl.
Munich Conference
Conference between Germany, Britain and France. Hitler wanted Western Czechoslovakia. France and Great Britain agree to giving him Western Czechoslovakia, in return for Hitler’s promise to stop taking more land. But a year later he takes over all of Czechoslovakia, breaking the pact.
Neutrality Acts
Can’t sell, lend money, or trade w/nations at war
- Government controls everything
- Powerful ruler
- Citizens have no rights
- Far right ( no rights)
- Centrally planned economy
- Militaristic
- Expansionist
Benito Mussolini
Creator of Fascism, Leader of the Fascist Party, & Dictator of Italy. Later killed by the Allies.
Yalta Conference
Meeting held with FDR, Stalin, & Churchill where they settle agreement.
- Create the UN.
- Divide Germany into 4 zones.
- USSR will go to war w/ Japan 6 months after VE Day.
- Democratic Elections in Europe.
Japanese Internment
U.S. puts all Japanese Americans in the West in concentration camps. But, not ones in Hawaii.
U.S and Allies invade Normandy, France to open up a second war front.
Pearl Harbor
First war in the War in the Pacific.
Black Thursday
Stocks go way down.
What was the impact of the Dustbowl ?
Many farmers lost their farms and homes, then had to migrate to find work that usually wasn’t available.
Cold War
War between the US and the USSR. US feared that the USSR wanted to destroy democratic and capitalist istitutions. The Soviets feared that the US wanted to use its money and power to dominate Europe and eventually destroy the Soviet Union.
Berlin Blockade
1948, The Soviets tried to cut off West Berlin by blocking access to the city. Their aim was to force the Allies to allow the Soviets to take over the entire city.
Cuban Missile Crisis
USSR put nukes in Cuba. We see pictures of the silos being built, bbut the nukes are not there yet. So US decides to blockade Cuba so USSR ships can’t get there. There are many days of standoff. The USSR ships turn back. We agree to 1. take nukes out of Cuba, 2. US will not invade Cuba, and 3. US will take missels out of Turkey.
Baby Boom
Post WWII, this marked the period of a big increase in birthrate.
The Beats
Post WWII, a generation of youth who rejected society’s materialism. They embraced drugs, mystical religions, and sexual freedom – all controversial topics during the postwar era.
Truman Doctrine
Stated that the U.S. would upport Greece and Turkey with aid to prevent them from falling into the Soviet Sphere.
Korean War
North Korea wanted to take South Korea and make it communist. US wanted South Korea to stay democratic, so we send in military aid. Truman sends General McArthur to lead the military. Truman told McArthur to stick with the containment policy, but he decides to take North Korea. This resulted in many deaths, and N. and S. Korea are still divided to this day.
US policy used to prevent the spread of communism abroad.Through this policy, NATO.
Highways and Suburbs
In the postwar year, population growth occurred in the suburban areas. Highways were built because of this, to advance in transportation.
Marshall Plan
American plan to aid Europe to help rebuild European economies after WWII, in efforts to prevent the spread of Soviet Communism.
Bay of Pigs
During the Cuban Revolution, a right wing ally, Fulgencio Batista, was ousted. He was replaced by a leftist ally, Fidel Castro. Castro destroyed Cuba’s links with US , and created links with the Soviet Union. This is against containment, so US decides to arm Cuban exiles who go and try to overthrow Castro. But it fails terribly.
One of Eisenhower’s policies; go to the brink of nuclear war to discourage Soviet aggression.
What were the causes of the Cold War?
The Cold War was caused by power dynamic between the US and the Soviet Union. The US wanted to spread democracy and capitalism, but the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism.
What were the major presidential policies toward the USSR?
Containment, Brinkmanship, and NATO.
What were the most important events of the Cold War between 1945 and 1970?
Berlin Blockade/Wall, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, Korean War.
What social and cultural trends characterized 1950s American culture?
sexual freedom, drugs, mystical religions, suburban housing, cars, and advancement in technology and appliances.
How did the baby boom, cars and rock n’ roll demonstrate the social and cultural changes taking place in America?
These generations caused a change in society and it’s conformity.
Berlin Airlift
Allies response to the Berlin Blockade. Aircrews flew over West Berlin, providing fuel and food for the Berliners.
Berlin Wall
1961, Soviet Union builds a wall to separate East and West Berlin.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A military alliance that agrees to a mutual defense against the attack of an external party.
Republican President from 1952- 1960.
Democratic President from 1960 - 1963.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Democratic President from 1963-1969
Mutually Assured Destruction; if we went to nuclear war, we would both die and no one would win.
Nikita Khruchev
Russian Dictator & leader of the Soviet Union.
Peace Corps
Created by JFK; young Americans helping poor countries around the world.
an agreement by both sides of the war to stop fighting for a certain amount of time.
Domino Theory
One of Eisenhower’s policies; if you one country turns to communism, they all will.
Federal Aid Highway Act
Congress created a tax to pay for the building of highways. They were used for war protection.
GI Bill
Sends WWII Vets to college and lets them borrow money to buy houses.
- Two reporters investigated a break in at the DNC headquarters.
- The two reporters did not know it was a person who was working for President Nixon.
- Suspected burglars are arrested. But, one of them has the number to one of President Nixon’s aids.
- Deepthroat, who is working for President Nixon, spills the beans and tells them that the president is involved.
- With the information given, the investigators connect the break in with the White House.
- President Nixon tries to stop the FBI and Attorney General from continuing the investigation, so he doesn’t get caught.
- Congress continues the investigation and begin to hold hearings. They find that two of Nixon’s aids were found to have hired the burglars. Also, Nixon’s secretary tells about the tapes.
- Nixon resigns.
New Right Party
Made by Reagan; members were Democrats that thought the Democratic Party was becoming too liberal.
This was President Reagan’s economic policies; it called for decreasing taxes, cutting social spending, and trickle down economics.
What was President Reagan’s foreign policy ?
- Anti-Communist
2. Increase in defense spending
Star Wars (SDI)
Proposed by Reagan; the use of ground based and space based systems to protect the US by anti-ballistic missiles.
high inflation and high unemployment.
The idea that politics are amoral and things should be looked at realistically, not idealistically.
What was Kennedy’s foreign policy ?
Peace Corps.
Peace Corps
Americans helping poor countries around the world .
Stopping the growth of Communism by containing it.
What was Kennedy’s domestic policy ?
- Funding for Education
- Financial Aid
- Healthcare
Congress would not pass any of his proposals.
War on Poverty
A part of President Johnson’s Great Society; it was made to help end poverty through medicare and education aid.
Great Society
President Johnson’s domestic policy; suppose to help end poverty and racial injustice.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Banned major forms of discrimination racial minorities, religious minorities, and women. W
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Banned poll taxes
Brown vs. Board of Education
Supreme Court declared that segregation in schools was unconstitutional
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Protest against segregation on public transit systems.
Little Rock
The governor wanted to keep schools segregated and blocked the “little rock nine” from entering the school by military force.
Freedom Riders
People who rode buses in the South to challenge local laws of segregation.
March on Washington
Many protestors met in from of the capital in Washington,D.C. to march for jobs and freedom.
Civil rights activist
Malcolm X
Civil rights activist
Black Power
political slogan that was associated with the aims of achieving self-determination for African Americans.
Long Hot Summer
The year when a huge amount of riots broke out in the US.
Geneva Accords
Agreement made at the Geneva Conference; it seperated Vietnam into two zones, but was not accepted by the US or South Vietnam.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Resolution in response to the Gulf of Tonkin incident; It allowed conventional military force in Southeast Asia.
When North Vietnam sent in more men, the US responded by sending in more men. President Johnson thought this was the only way the US could win the war, but it didn’t work out.
Ho Chi Minh Trail
It was a route that ran from North Vietnam to South Vietnam. It provided manpower and material to the Vietcong during the Vietnam war.
“Hawks” and “Doves”
Hawks were the people who wanted the Vietnam War; they believed that North Vietnam’s aggression forced us into war. Doves were the people who didn’t want war; they believed that the war was a civil war and the US had no right to get involved.
Tet Offensive
Series of surprise attacks by the Vietcong throughout South Vietnam.
Getting S. Vietnam to fight for themselves and the US out of the war.
Kent State
National Guard fired at student anti-war protestors.
Paris Peace Talks
Agreement that ended US involvement in Vietnam.
War Powers Act
Restrained the president to commit US forces overseas.
Civil rights movement that fought to help displaced American Indians.
Roe vs. Wade
Supreme Court allowed abortions.
Iran Hostage Crisis
- Islamasists overthrow the shah and take over.
- US freezes Iranian assets and let the Shah come to the US for cancer treatment.
- Iranian students storm the American Embassy and take American hostages for over a year.
- The hostages were released the hour Reagan took office.
Why did the Soviet Union fall apart ?
- Russia spent too much money on arms.
- Gorbachev did nothing
- USSR was paying for their allies
- Communism doesn’t work
What was JFK’s stance on Civil Rights?
He wanted to enforce current laws, but he didn’t want to push for more laws because it would result in losing support in the South.