Cold War & 1950s Flashcards
Cold War
War between the US and the USSR. US feared that the USSR wanted to destroy democratic and capitalist istitutions. The Soviets feared that the US wanted to use its money and power to dominate Europe and eventually destroy the Soviet Union.
Berlin Blockade
1948, The Soviets tried to cut off West Berlin by blocking access to the city. Their aim was to force the Allies to allow the Soviets to take over the entire city.
Cuban Missile Crisis
1962, USSR put nukes in Cuba. We see picture s of the silos being built, bbut the nukes are not htre yet. So US decides to blockade CUb so USSR ships can’t get there. There are many days of standoff. The USSR ships turn back. We agree to 1. take nukes out of Cuba, 2. US will not invade Cuba, and 3. US will take missels out of Turkey.
Baby Boom
Post WWII, this marked the period of a big increase in birthrate.
The Beats
Post WWII, a generation of youth who rejected society’s materialism. They embraced drugs, mystical religions, and sexual freedom – all controversial topics during the postwar era.
Truman Doctrine
Stated that the U.S. would upport Greece and Turkey with aid to prevent them from falling into the Soviet Sphere.
Korean War
North Korea wanted to take South Korea and make it communist. US wanted South Korea to stay democratic, so we send in military aid. Truman sends General McArthur to lead the military. Truman told McArthur to stick with the containment policy, but he decides to take North Korea. This resulted in many deaths, and N. and S. Korea are still divided to this day.
US policy used to prevent the spread of communism abroad.Through this policy, NATO.
An Affluent Society
The “leave it to beaver” lifestyle.
Highways and Suburbs
In the postwar year, population growth occurred in the suburban areas. Highways were built because of this, to advance in transportation.
Marshall Plan
American plan to aid Europe to help rebuild European economies after WWII, in efforts to prevent the spread of Soviet Communism.
Bay of Pigs
During the Cuban Revolution, a right wing ally, Fulgencio Batista, was ousted. He was replaced by a leftist ally, Fidel Castro. Castro destroyed Cuba’s links with US , and created links with the Soviet Union. This is against containment, so US decides to arm Cuban exiles who go and try to overthrow Castro. But it fails terribly.
One of Eisenhower’s policies; go to the brink of nuclear war to discourage Soviet aggression.
Post WWII, Teenagers became more rebellious and independent.
What were the causes of the Cold War?
The Cold War was caused by power dynamic between the US and the Soviet Union. The US wanted to spread democracy and capitalism, but the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism.
What were the major presidential policies toward the USSR?
Containment, Brinkmanship, and NATO.
What were the most important events of the Cold War between 1945 and 1970?
Berlin Blockade/Wall, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, Korean War.
What social and cultural trends characterized 1950s American culture?
sexual freedom, drugs, mystical religions, suburban housing, cars, and advancement in technology and appliances.
How did the baby boom, cars and rock n’ roll demonstrate the social and cultural changes taking place in America?
These generations caused a change in society and it’s conformity.
Berlin Airlift
Allies response to the Berlin Blockade. Aircrews flew over West Berlin, providing fuel and food for the Berliners.
Berlin Wall
1961, Soviet Union builds a wall to separate East and West Berlin.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A military alliance that agrees to a mutual defense against the attack of an external party.
Republican President from 1952- 1960.
Democratic President from 1960 - 1963.
Lindon B. Johnson
Democratic President from 1963-1969
Mutually Assured Destruction; if we went to nuclear war, we would both die and no one would win.
Nikita Khruchev
Russian Dictator & leader of the Soviet Union.
Peace Corps
Created by JFK; young Americans helping poor countries around the world.
an agreement by both sides of the war to stop fighting for a certain amount of time.
Domino Theory
One of Eisenhower’s policies; if you one country turns to communism, they all will