US HISTORY Flashcards
jeffersonian republicans
-created by thomas jefferson
-new anti feds party intended to counter adams republicans
-anti-feds->jefferson office->feds
marbury v. madison
-supreme court case led by daniel webster
-establishes the principal of judicial review
-makes judicial strongest branch
-uncheck power
louisiana purchase
-bought by thomas jefferson president
-bought from napolean for $15 mill.
-napolean gets rid of land b/c need money
-explored by lewis & clark
xyz affair
-john adams attempt to get out of alliance w/ french
-sends delegations to negotiate end of treaty of alliance but presented with bribe: $4 mill. & $250,000 cash to discuss exit-> refuses-> open war
alien & sedittion act
-john adams pas this act
-4 acts which limit opposition quasi war
quasi war w/ france
-result of xyz affair
-thomas jefferson take war b/c feel unconstitutional
-undeclared naval war w/ france
alien act
-federal government w/o cause can deport any noncitizen
naturalization act
-increases residency requirements for citizenship to 14 yrs
enemy alien act
-federal government can deport in mass any set of immigrants from a country w/ which they are at war w/
sedition act
-you cannot write, say, or speak anything bad against the federal or its agents
kentucky & virginia resolution pt1.
-written by jefferson & madison
-in theory, kentucky & virginia resolution they’re theoretical documents, not a call to action
kentucky & virginia resolution pt2.
-in theory, states and citizens aren’t compelled to follow illegal laws
convention of 1800
-ends treaty of alliance
-US will forgive all financial loses inflicted by france
-outed adams career, surrenders $20 mill. to north debt-> voted out
macons bill No. 2
-done under james madison
-deals w/ competing trade system of british & france
-US will trade w/ either british or france
-1st come, 1st serve -> losing nation will respect soverignty of US
-side w/ france, napolean
war of 1812
-british doesn’t acknowledge macon bill No. 2
-america 2nd war of independence
-andrew jackson lead southern -> battle of new orleans
hartford convention
-attempt by fed party to successfully win war 1812
-encourage open rebellion of states
-surrender to britain & half of land except 13 original colonies
-rewriting of constitution
battle of new orleans
-biggest victory of war 1812
-led by andrew jackson-> political
treaty of ghent
-status quo
-everything you came in w/, you come out w/
-british recognized US sovereignty
era of good feelings
-period after war 1812
-1 party=young republicans
-henry clay (kentucky)
-john c calhoun (south carolina)
-daniel webster (massachusetts)
daniel webster
-explains size of govern. by using supreme court
-most prolific
-mcchulloh v. maryland
mcculloch v. maryland
-under daniel webster
-establish that fed govern. followed broad/implied interpretation of constitution
monroe doctrine
-establish US isolation destination
-gives US oversight control of america (europe agree)
-longest standing foreign document US has
done under james monroe
-onis treaty, rush-bagot treaty, monroe doctrine, missouri compromise
adam-onis treaty
-US buys florida from spain for $5 mill. & renounce all rights to texas