US economy boom to bust (sheet) Flashcards
bretton woods agreement 1944
made the US dollar (valued $35 per ounce of gold) the world’s trading currency. until 1971, allowed US to run budget deficit without devaluing currency
why was the US ideally placed to dominate the world economy after ww2
- US infrastructure untouched
- bretton woods agreement 1944
- abundance of natural resources e.g. oil, coal, gas to provide low cost energy
- most agriculturally productive farmland on the planet
- more navigable waterways (17,000 miles) than the rest of the planet put together -> low cost transport (1/15th of land transport costs)
6.huge third level sector, unrivalled number of engineers + scientists -> allowed innovation + america maintained tech edge over rivals
how did ww2 lead to a post war boom
very good wages during ww2 due to increased employment + massive demand for war industries. Priority given to military production, not much consumer goods. pent up demand for goods and high savings led to post war boom -> age of affluence due to improvements in standard of living
age of affluence
period of sustained economic growth in the US from 1945 to 1968. unemployment remained around 4%. average incomes rose from $3,000 to $8,000. US GNP grew from $299bn (1940) to over $500bn (1960). more workers joined the middle class and were able to afford a mortgage and annual vacation
impact of baby boom on economy
coupled with increased prosperity, created huge demand for wider variety of goods and services -> new industries est. -> more jobs
impact of easy credit on economy
banks extended easy credit via credit cards (1950) and hire purchase (instalment payments) agreements. allowed consumers to purchase goods immediately -> more money spent, more demand, fuelled economy
how many demobilised people entered the workforce or went to college immediately after ww2
8 mil entered workforce,
2 mil attended 3rd level college
booming economy allowed them to be quickly absorbed back into civilian life
GI bill 1944
all returning vets were entitled to receive federal grants to start a new life, to purchase a house, start a business or continue education.
-> investment in education paid for itself through increase in productivity
truman ends wartime restrictions in 1946
under pressure from employers + workers, ended restrictions on prices and wages. within a few months there was a 25% rise in CPI. (inflation)
return to peacetime conditions also saw end to double shifts and overtime -> drop in purchasing power angered workers
–> TUs did wave of strikes for higher pay
taft-hartley act 1947
truman’s drastic measures helped republicans gain control of congress in 1946. passed anti labour taft-hartley act in 1947 over truman’s veto
-stated that the president was empowered to order striking workers back to work for an 80 day ‘cooling off’ period
-federal employees prohibited from striking
-closed shop ended (workplaces could hire non union staff)
how did truman tackle industrial unrest
- coal miners went on strike, truman issued exec. order to place coal mines under federal control
- threatened to do same when national railroad strike loomed. threatened to draft striking railroad workers
truman fair deal reforms
succeeded in persuading congress to substantially raise min. wage -> reduced pressure on poorer families
US housing boom
fuelled in part by low cost mortgages to vets
Eisenhower era (1953-1961) prosperity
-per capita income grew while inflation stayed low
-large amounts of discretionary income -> americans had highest standard of living in the world
-over 60% of americans owned or were paying a mortgage on their homes
-3/4 of households had a tv
though a republican, eisenhower was an economic pragmatist. how did he extend existing democratic programmes
-increased social security coverage to the self employed, farm employees and military personnel
-persuaded congress to raise min. wage to $1 per hour
-embarked on public works projects e.g. st. lawrence seaway, interstate highway act
st. lawrence seaway
joint US-Canadian effort completed in 1959. gave ocean going vessels access to the great lakes ports
interstate highway act 1956
authorised the federal government to provide 90% of the cost of building a network of interstate highways. individual states paid the remaining 10%
-total cost was $27bn over 30 years for 42,000 miles of highway. road system was funded by putting taxes on automobiles and gasoline
highway act cost
total cost was $27bn over 30 years for 42,000 miles of highway
what cuts did eisenhower make to roosevelt’s new deal
-cut farm subsidies
-promoted private rather than public development of the energy grid and natural resources
-construction of highways skewed transport policy towards automobiles + reduced spending on national railroads. discouraged building of urban mass transit systems (i.e. metros)
eisenhower era budget issues
despite promise to reduce budget, increased public spending to lift country out of recessions in 1953, 57 and 58. done through increased defence spending, which remained at approx. 10% of the US’s GDP during the 50s + 60s
gross domestic product: total market value of all goods/services produced in a country in a given year
military industrial complex
in speech before leaving office, eisenhower warned of unhealthily close relationship between the armed forces and armaments industry. taking advantage of the cold war, contracts to supply the military had become a major source of income to too many sectors of the economy. EH cautioned that the military industrial complex had become powerful enough to exert an ‘unwarranted influence’ on the govt. e.g. boeing, GM, GE, IBM, lockheed
mergers and acquisitions after WW2
e.g chrysler, ford, general motors swallowed smaller automobile manufacturers
-boeing and lockheed did same to smaller aerospace companies
conglomerate example
international telephone and telegraph co. purchased many smaller businesses, e.g. sheraton hotels, continental baking, hartford fire insurance, avis rent a car
growth of TNCs
by early 1960s, companies and conglomerates had grown so large and had such ready access to wall street investment funds that they spread overseas to acquire foreign companies.
-encouraged by opportunity to take advantage of lower wages, lower taxes
GATT 1947
general agreement on tariffs and trade: set up the UN agency of the same name at geneva in 1947 to promote free trade between signatories.
-through a series of ‘rounds’ (agreements) GATT succeeded in reducing the avg. tariff on manufactured goods among the industrialised nations from 40% to 5%.
-replaced by WTO in 1995
-laid the foundations for globalisation
the process of increasing the connectivity and interdependence of the world’s businesses and markets. goal is full integration of the global economy. can be achieved through free trade, free flow of capital and exploitation of cheaper foreign labour markets
reasons for end of age of affluence
-cost of great society combined with vietnam led to expanding budget deficit
-LBJ borrowed to fill the gap
-foreign investors dumped dollars, driving down its value and forcing US to take dramatic steps to preserve international monetary system
-1968, US fed. reserve increased interest rates to 5.5%, highest since 1929
-international competition increased, particularly west germany and japan -> america’s share of world trade fell from 25% (1947) to 10% by 1975
-US conumers bought cheaper foreign goods -> trade deficit + unemployment
-domestic oil supplies could not meet demand, forced to import
-following yom kippur war (1973), OPEC announced oil embargo. created energy shortage
-after embargo ended prices stayed high (400%)
OPEC embargo
embargo on exports of oil to america following their support of israel in arab israeli war 1973. went on until march 1974
combination of spiralling inflation, high unemployment and declining worker productivity that leads to stagnant demand for goods/services
gerald ford (1974-1977) economic policy
cut public spending and US federal reserve raised interest rates. however economy worsened + unemployment reached 9%
-WIN ‘whip inflation now’
jimmy carter (1977-1981) economic policy
wanted to tackle unemployment before inflation. used public work programmes, but they weren’t taken up well
-during his only term, inflation doubled
-fed. reserve’s decision to raise interest rates was disaster. mortgages became unaffordable + construction dropped off
-proposal to set up dept. of energy was approved by congress, 3 mile island nuclear accident in 1979 discredited nuclear energy
-OPEC further raised prices after iranian revolution in 1979 to $30 a barrel, compared to $3 a barrel in 1973
-gasoline prices rose to $1 a barrel, compared to 40c in 1973
1979 oil crisis
OPEC further raised prices after iranian revolution in 1979 to $30 a barrel, compared to $3 a barrel in 1973
-gasoline prices rose to $1 a barrel, compared to 40c in 1973
why was reagan elected
reagan elected in 1980 -> demonstrated disillusionment with economic policies of 70s. unemployment at 10% and inflation at 13.5%
based on the belief that cutting the federal budget would permit the lowering of marginal tax rates. this, in turn, would encourage people to work harder, leading to more saving and investment, creating more demand and producing more revenue for the govt. as firms grew
trickle down economics
claimed the US economy would benefit from deregulating businesses and reducing govt. oversight. would give businesses an incentive to produce more goods/services, and in the end boost the income of lower and middle classes. everyone would benefit from the spending of the wealthy
economic recovery tax act 1981
reagan convinced congress to pass.
-cut personal taxes by 25% over 3 years
-reduced max. tax rate from 70% to 50%
-lowered CGT
-funded through $30bn cuts to over 300 govt projects that provided welfare payments, social housing, employment training schemes and school lunches
how did reagan justify spending cuts
stated the fed. govt had become too big, expensive and intrusive.
poverty increases under reagan
despite claims of leaving ‘safety net’ to aid the poor, poverty rose.
-1979 to 1983, no. of americans below poverty line rose from 11.7% to 15.2%
deregulated key sectors of US economy, belief that increased competition would ultimately benefit the consumer through better service and lower costs.
-fed. agencies removed or didn’t enforce existing regs. e.g. air pollution, safety regs (airbags)
ending the recession
by 1982 severe recession caused by high interest: business bankruptcies risen by 50% since 1981, unemployment exceeded 10%.
however, by ‘83, economy recovered + entered longest period of sustained growth since ww2
-annual inflation remained below 5% until 1987
budget deficit 1980 v 1986 v 1987
1980 - $74bn
1986 - $221bn
1987 - $150bn
US national debt trebled under reagan, largely fuelled by defence spending
did reagan make the US a more prosperous nation
-many new jobs created in services sector to replace loss in manufacturing jobs, however poorly paid
-removed the protections and benefits that workers traditionally had
-number of wealthy people grew rapidly, but proportion of their earning they paid in taxes fell sharply
-US became an unequal society, where the rich-poor gap increased significantly and wealth was concentrated in fewer hands