US And VC tactics Flashcards
Vc- hit and run/ambushes
Took enemy by suprise, very difficult to counter
Vc- sabotaged roads/bridges
Weakens enemy infrastucture and terrorises them, slows movement
Vc-stayed close to US troops
US planes wouldn’t risk bombing, paranoia
Vc-tunnel network
Difficult to find, easy to ambush from and escape by, staying out of sight
Vc-Dressed like ordinary people
Got support from the people, US didn’t know who they were, can be used to ambush
Vc-Propaganda used effecfively
Gave talks, gained suppor of people (hearts and minds), villianises USA (defoliants, strategic hamlets, killing children)
Vc-Simple ambush traps
Psycological impact on soldiers, avoids contact with enemy, easy to make
Vc- light weapons and equipment
More mobile, quieter, easier to ambush, use bikes easily
VC tunnels
Used by Vietminh during war with French. VC built more complex tunnels in the Chu Chi area just 25 miles from Saigon. Contained 100 miles of tunnels on several levels connecting villages and housing hospitals, weapon/fuel stores and living space. US troops usually bigger than VC amd couldn’t fit in them
US and the VC’s tunnels
“Tunnel rats” were US troops small enough to fit into the tunnels went down to fight VC or collapse tunnels. Eventually they resorted to just bulldozing them.
They were so hard to find that a US division accidentally built a base on top of an entrance and werd attacked without any sign of break in.
Features of operation rolling thunder
Bombing campaign over North Vietnam. Began slowly and didn’t target Hanoi or the port of Haiphong.
Targeted HCM trail and industry.
Used Napalm which burng skin and pineapple bombs.
Effect of operation rolling thunder
Continued until 1968. Caused a lot of damage to the trail and industry.
Didn’t destroy the trail, North used tunnels for protection, thousands of civillians killed which damaged public opinion at home and made the North more determined.
Features of search and destroy
US soldiers search jungle for VC camps, helicopters then bomb or spray chemiclas
Some success in tracking down and killing VC
Effect of search and destroy
VC often moved backnin after these missions
US bombing created refugees and chemical spraying harmed ordinary villagers and turned them against the US
Features Operation Cedar falls
30,000 US and ARVN troops on search and destroy mision- focused on the iron triangle where the VC were strongest
These areas became free fire zones that could be bombed at any time
Effects of operation cedar falls
Many villagers didn’t understand and returned to their homes in the free fire zones causing big civillian casualties, making the US more unpopular
Features of operation ranch hand/chemical warfare
Herbicides named after the colour of the container (agent orange and agent blue) to kill plants and make VC bases easy to find
Effect of operation ranch hand/chemical warfare
Over 3000 villages sprayed, often with people still in them.
Poisoned water supplies and soil caused serious health problems at the time and for decades to come
Public outrage led to it ending in October 1971
Why were US tactics uneffective?
-didn’t do enough damage to VC
-effects on Vietnemese people- they began to hate the US
-their policies created criticism at home. People saw what happened to civilians