urticaria Flashcards
what is the difference between acute and chronic urticaria?
In acute urticaria, symptoms last for less than 6 weeks.
In chronic urticaria, symptoms persist for 6 weeks or longer (on a nearly daily basis).
what are some triggers for urticaria?
stress, drug treatments (including complementary and topical treatments), insect bites and stings, exercise, and certain foods.
how can you exclude IgE food mediated allergy as the cause for urticartia?
history enables an immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated food allergy to be excluded as a cause of urticaria.
In IgE-mediated food allergy, symptoms typically occur reproducibly within 1 hour of exposure to the offending food rather than coming on overnight or being present first thing in the morning.
what are the features of urticaria?
A central swelling of variable size (red or white in colour), almost invariably surrounded by an area of redness (flare).
Associated itching or, sometimes, burning sensation.
A fleeting nature, with the skin returning to its normal appearance, usually within 1–24 hours.
can score with Urticaria assessment score 8 UAS7
differentials for urticaria?
atopic aczema
contact dermatitis
chronic pruritus
how is urticaria managed?
identify underlying cause/trigger
if taking a drug associated with urticaria e.g NSAID trial without
mild = advise it will self resolve
symptomatic = antihistamines
severe = corticosteroids
if really bad, with pain and persistence, can refer to dermatology or immunologist