URTI in a child Flashcards
3 yo child with fever of 39C and coryza for 12 hours. no significant past MHx, immunization are up to date.
1)How do you determine the nature of the illness? 2) how do you determine the severity of the illness, what is safety netting and how would you safety net?
URTI, either bacterial or viral however viral is more likely
Ddx: Life threatening - sepsis, pneumonia, meningitis, epiglottitis, bacterial tracheitis, Quincey Other infective - AOM - Tonsillitis - Pertussis
- Asthma
- Ensure child is stable
- Rule out RF and life-threatening
- Assess severity of illness and where child should be managed
- Treat accordingly
- Safety net with appropriate review/follow up
Paediatric URTI - History
Natural history:
- history of symptoms, time-course
- Risk factors: sick contacts, previous illnesses,
- Assess severity: drinking, eating, wet nappies, behaviour (flat vs not)
Paediatric history:
- Immunisations
- Milestones
- Details of pregnancy
Paediatric URTI - Exam
- end-of-the-bedogram
- Obs: RR, HR, BP, SP02, temp
- Tympanic membrane
- Pharyngeal visualisation
- Resp (wheeze, creps, stridor, WOB)
- Fluid status - assessing for dehydration
Paediatric URTI - Investigations
Depends on the extent of the illness
- Only required if hx/exam indicates severe disease
- Otherwise watch and wait, most likely is viral urti that only requires symptomatic treatment
Paediatric URTI - Management
Non-pharm: Supportive: - Fluids - Analgesia - Rest - Sinus rinse
- Broad spectrum antibiotic script (only for use if non-resolving illness after 2-3 days sx)
Amoxicillin is 1st line for AOM and pneumonia (etg) UNLESS tonsillitis (phenoxymethypenicillin). Amoxil can cause rash in setting of EBV
Harms of ABx- diarrhoea, rash or more serious hypersensitivity reactions, bacterial resistance
Only decrease symptoms by 1 day in tonsilitis and AOM
Safety netting; present to hospital if:
- Increased WOB
- Not tolerating fluids/no wet nappies
- Stridor
- Flat
- Vomiting, dehydration, rigours
- If fever/ symptoms not improving within 3-7 days - or a reasonable time period