TIA Flashcards
2020 stem: Man woke up with left-sided weakness, resolved after 30 mins. Has a bunch of risk factors, including 20 pack year smoking history, alcohol 2SD/day, fasting BSL 7.9, HTN, dyslipidaemia, AF. On a statin and ACEI. Vitals given - afebrile, BP 160/110.
Most likely a presentation of transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
Important differentials to consider;
- Stroke
- Space-occupying lesion
- Stroke mimics (migraine + aura, seizure + todds paresis, hypoglycaemia)
- Syncopal episode (and variety of cardiogenic causes)
Goals of management:
- Rule out red flags and differential diagnoses
- Manage cardiovascular risk factors for ongoing stroke prevention
Stroke/TIA - Risk factors
- older age
- male gender
- family history
- previous stroke
- specific pathology: AF, carotid stenosis,
- smoking
- alcohol
- sedentary lifestyle
- obesity
- hypercholesterolaemia
- diabetes
Stroke/TIA - History
History: - Sx: distinguish TIA/other. weakness, dysphagia, facial drooping (FAST) F - facial weakness A - arm weakness S - speech T - time (time since sx onset) - RF: Modifiable and non-modifiable factors of stroke - PMHx, Surg Hx - SNAP
Stroke/TIA - Examination
- ABCDE approach initially
- vital signs: LOC, reduced GCS
- neurological exam: signs of focal neurology
- cardiovascular exam: AF, murmurs, carotid stenosis
Stroke/TIA - Investigations
- Bedside: vitals, ECG,
- Bloods: FBC, coags, UEC, LFT, lipid panel
- Imaging: refer to hospital for CTB non con (+/- CT angio/CT perfusion)
Stroke/TIA - Management (GP)
- Referral to hospital for stroke work-up/ stroke clinic
- having had TIA, is at a high risk of having.a stoke
- lifestyle modifications (diet, exercise, smoking cessation)
- SABA (statin, aspirin, beta-blocker, ACEi)
- optimise their medical management/ start them on it
- to present to ED if there is any return of symptoms immediately
- Regular follow-up for ongoing management of cardiovascular disease risk factors