What is stress urinary incontinence?
involuntary urine leakage on effort, exertion, sneezing or coughing
What is urge urinary incontinence?
involuntary urine leakage accompanied or immediately preceded by urgency
What is mixed urinary incontinence?
involuntary urine leakage associated with both urgency and exertion, effort, sneezing or coughing
What is overactive bladder?
urgency that occurs with or without urgency urinary incontinence and usually with frequency and nocturia.
How do you assess urinary incontinence?
Categorise as stress, urge or mixed
Assess pelvic floor muscles
Urine dipstick
Measure post-void residual volume
Use bladder diaries
What are some non-surgical interventions that could improve urinary incontinence?
Caffeine reduction
Modify fluid intake
Lose weight if BMI >30
Pelvic floor muscle training
Bladder training
What medicines are used for overactive bladder?
Anticholinergic meds
How can detrusor overactivity be treated if not responsive to meds?
Bladder wall injection with botulinum toxin type A
If this doesnt work either then offer percutaneous sacral nerve stimulation
If not then offer augmentation cystoplaty
If not then offer urinary diversion
How is stress urinary incontinence managed surgically?
Autologous recuts fascial sling
Retro pubic mid-urethral mesh sling
Intramural bulking agents
If all else fails then offer an artificial urinary sphincter
What is functional incontinence?
Due to physical or cognitive impairment e.g. dementia or inaccessible toilet facilities
What is overflow incontinence?
when you’re unable to fully empty your bladder, which causes frequent leaking
What anticholinergic are used first line for urinary incontinence?
Oxybutinin hydrochloride
What can be used for urinary incontinence if anticholinergic are contraindicated?
Mirabegron - beta 3 adrenergic receptor agonist (relaxes detrusor smooth muscle)
What is urinary retention?
the inability to voluntarily urinate
Whats the difference between acute and chronic urine retention?
Acute is sudden inability to urinate in the presence of a painful bladder
Chronic is the presence of a large, painless bladder with or without difficulty in micturation
What are the 3 most common causes of retention in men?
Prostatic maliganncy
Urethral strictures
(Other causes include constipation, stones, clot retention, post-operative, drugs, neurological disease)
Which drugs can cause retention?
Some antipsychotics
Sympathomimetic drugs - increase alpha adrenergic tone in prostate and bladder neck
How do you manage acute retention?
Urgent catheterisation
Alpha blocker at least 24 hours before removing catheter
What is a vesicovaginal fistula and when should you suspect it?
Abnormal opening that forms between the bladder and wall of vagina
Continuous urine leakage through the vagina after obstetric or gynaecological injury e.g. surgery
How should you investigate suspected vesicovaginal fistula?
Urine dye studies - dye stains urine and hence identifies the presence of a fistula on imaging
What is a high voiding detrusor pressure with a low peak flow rate is indicative of?
Bladder outlet obstruction