Urology Flashcards
What are the LUTS?
Storage and voiding Sx due to LUT dysfunction
What is benign prostatic enlargement?
Enlarged prostate due to histological process of BPH
What is BPH?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia - histological diagnosis of BPE
What is bladder outflow obstruction?
Bladder outlet obstruction caused by BPE
Name the parts of the prostate
Transition zone
Peripheral zone
Central zone
Anterior firbomuscular zone
Where do cancers occur?
Peripheral zone
Where does BPH occur?
Transition zone
Why does BPH cause Sx before cancer?
Cancer is in peripheral zone which is further from urethra than transition zone - obstructs later on
Does prostate size correlate to cancer risk?
Are LUTS signs of prostate cancer?
No - occasionally they can be but rare
List the 7 components of International Prostate Scoring System
Freq, intermittency, urgency, weak stream, straining, nocturia, incomplete emptying
What else do you ask in urology Hx except IPSS?
How much do the LUTS affect your QoL?
List the voiding Sx
Hesitancy, weak stream, intermittency, incomplete emptying
List the storage Sx
Frequency, urgency, nocturia
What causes voiding problems?
Urethral stricture, BPH, bladder outflow obstruction
What causes storage Sx?
Detrusor overactivity
List risks of BPH
Older age, Afro Carribean
What exams must be done for someone with urology probelms?
Abdo and DRE
What Ix are done for pt with urology problems?
Urine dip Flow rate & postvoid residual bladder scan Blood tests (U&Es, PSA)
Conservative Mx for BPH/voiding Sx?
reassure, advice on reducing fluid intake in evening
Medical Mx for BPH/voiding Sx?
Alpha blocker - tamsulosin / alfuzosin
5 alpha reducatse inhibitor - finasteride
What health food supplement can help BPH?
Saw palmetto
Surgical Mx for BPH?
TURP - transurethral resection of prostate (cutting out channel in prostate for urine passage)
What is the alternative to surgical Mx of BPH?
Long term catheters
Conservative Mx for storage Sx?
Reassure, dietary advice (no coffee/acidy thing/spicy)
Bladder training exercises
Medical Mx for storage Sx?
Anticholinergics - oxybutinin, tolterodine, solifenacin
Beta agonists - betmiga
Surgical Mx for storage Sx?
Botox injections
Side effects of anticholengerics?
Dry mouth and eyes
What should you do in the event of urinary retention?
Catheterise & measure residual volume DRE Urine culture (+/- treat UTI) FBC, U&Es Neuro exam if ?cord compression
When would you admit someone with urinary retention?
If obstructive nephropathy suspected - need to monitor urine output & replace fluids
Where does prostate cancer rank in terms of most common male cancer?
PC of prostate cancer?
Asymptomatic usually
LUTS, urinary retention, haematuria
Metastases - bone pain, FLAWS, spinal cord compression
How are most prostate cancers found?
Risk factors of prostate cancer
Age, afro Caribbean, FH, BRAC2 gene
Does PSA increase with age?
What is normal PSA for 70y/o?
What else increases PSA?
UTI, BPH, new catheterisation, urinary retention
Does a DRE raise PSA?
NO - raises it by 0.1 so not relevant
Are MRIs useful for prostate cancer?
Yes - good at differentiating between high and low risk (high risk shows, but low doesnt)
How do you diagnose prostate cancer?
TRUS biopsy - transrectal biopsy
What scoring system is used to rate how aggressive the cancer is?
Which staging is invasive?
T3/4 as its invading outside the prostate capsule
How do you initially manage prostate cancer?
Stage with MRI
MDT discussion
What are the options for Mx of prostate cancer?
Active surveillance Surgery Radiotherapy Watchful waiting Hormone Chemo
What are the surgical options for prostate cancer?
Radical prostatectomy
What are side effects of surgical Mx of cancer?
ED or incontinence
In whom would you do watchful waiting?
Elderly or co-morbid
In whom would you do active surveillance?
Low risk & volume disease
What is Ix & Mx of cord compression?
Urgent MRI
IV dexamethasone
Neuro referral
What should be done post radio/surgery for prostate cancer?
Repeated PSA to show recurrence
What is the cause of hydrocele in kids?
Patent processus vaginalis (connects to abdo)
What is the cause of hydrocele in adults?
Fluid collection in tunica vaginalis
What is the risk of hydrocele repair?
Recurrence (10%)
Why don’t you do an aspiration in hydrocele?
Tunica tissue will stay baggy and the recurrence occurs straight away
What does a varicocele feel like?
Bag of worms
What is Mx of varicocele?
No Sx = reassure
Sx = surgical repair
Why should varicocele pts have an USS?
Can be caused by kidney cancer
What does testicular cancer feel like?
Non mobile, hard lump, joined to testicle
List causes of epididymitis and orchitis
STI, UTI, post op
Does testicular cancer affect old or young men?
35-45 y/o
Name common type of testicular cancer
Ix of testicular cancer
Tumour markers
List tumour markers of testicular cancer
Mx of testicular cancer
Radical inguinal orchidectomy +/- prosthesis
What can be given post op in testicular cancer
Chemo / radio
What is the working Dx of haematuria?
Cancer until proven otherwise
List causes of haematuria
Infection Cancer Medical - eg nephritic syndrome Trauma Kidney stones
Mx of haematuria?
Resuscitate 3 way catheter - wash out clots Hx and O/E Bloods - inc clotting MSU
What is a big risk factor for bladder cancer?
What is the criteria for admission with haematuria?
Frank haematuria with clots
Drop in Hb
Social circumstances
WHat are Ix for haematuria?
FBC, clotting, U&E
MSU cytology
CT urogram with contrast OR USS KUB
Flexible cystoscopy
What is gold standard for haematuria?
CT urogram with contrast
What is contradiction for cystoscopy?
Heavy bleeding
What do bladder cancer tumours look like?
Mx of bladder cancer?
Surgical resection of cancer
In whom are kidney stones more common?
White men
Why are kidney stones important?
Pain Infection Renal damage Suggest other pathology - eg hyperPTH Underlying pathology eg horse shoe kidney
What is infection of ureter called?
Pyelonephrosis / gram negative sepsis
How do you classify stones?
SIZE - <5mm / 5-20mm / >20mm
What % of stones visible on XRay?
70% - calcium oxolate stones
Which stones are not visible on XR?
Uric acid stones
What is best Ix for stones?
CT - can see all stones
Which stones can be treated medically and how?
Uric acid stones - K citrate
Can you feel a mass in kidney stones?
When would you order immediate imaging for stones?
Fever, only 1 kidney, diagnosis unclear
Loin pain, soft abdo, non visible haematuria (85%). Dx?
Ureteric colic
What can cause utertic colic?
Stones, TCC, blood clot, RPF
What is the main thing to remember in ureteric colic in A&E?
What medicine can be used for renal stones?
Tamsulosin - relaxed ureter to encourage passage
What is the ideal urine colour?
Champagne colour
Tx of stones?
Spontaneous passage if small
K citrate if uric acid stones
Shock wave Tx (ESWL)
Laser ureteroscopy
When would percutaneous nephrolithotomy be done?
> 2cm stone
What advice is given to patients post kidney stone removal?
Keep fluid intake up
What is obstructive pylonephrosis ?
Obstruction + infection
Mx of obstructive pylonephrosis ?
Nephrostomy - to drain pus out
Testicular pain. Most important Dx?
Testicular torsion
How does testicular torsion vary from cancer PC?
Cancer = painless
Why is early diagnosis of testicular torsion important?
Testes start to die after 6 hours
What is very similar Dx to testicular torsion?
Torted appendix testis
What sign is present in torted appendix testis?
Blue dot sign
Who gets torted appendix testis?
Young boys
What is age range of testicular torsion?
Rare over 35 unless underlying deformity
PC of testicular torsion?
Tender, high riding testicle. Loss of cremateric reflex in children
DDx of testicular torsion?
Torted appendix testis
What else needs to be done when fixing the testicular torsion?
Fix the other side to prevent the 2nd testes torting
At what time does ischaemic damage happen?
> 6hrs
Can torsions happen more than once?
Follow up issues of testicular torsion?
Recurrent pain
Is fertility lost after losing 1 testicle?