Urology Flashcards
adolescent boy complains of very severe pain of sudden onset in right testicle; the testes is swollen, very painful, high riding and has a horizontal lie; the cord is not tender - dx?
testicular torsion
tx. of testicular torsion
emergency surgery followed by bilateral orchiopexy
young, sexually active man presents with severe pain of recent onset in right scrotal contents; he has a high fever and pyuria. His testes are no normal position, but they are swollen and painful, the cord is also tender - dx?
acute epididymitis
management of acute epididymitis
do USG to r/o torsion (to be safe)
antibiotic therapy
pt is being observed for a ureteral stone expected to pass; he develops chills, a very high fever and flank pain - dx?
infection + obstruction = urologic emergency!
tx. of urinary obstruction + infection
massive IV antibiotic therapy
stone extraction - if pt is septic, decompression w/ ureteral stent or percutaneous nephrostomy
you have a man, child or febrile patient suspected of having a UTI - what do you do?
start work-up with USG
- these groups dont usually get UTIs
62 yo man presents with chills, fever, dysuria, urinary frequency, diffuse low back pain and exquisitely tender prostate on rectal exam - dx?
acute bacterial prostatitis
management of acute bacterial prostatitis
IV antibiotics
do not do any more DREs or vigorous prostate massage - can lead to septic shock
otherwise healthy newborn boy has not urinated in first 24 hours of life; on exam he has a big, distended urinary bladder - what do you do?
likely due to obstruction
- first check meatus; if not, posterior urethral valves
- drain bladder with catheter
how do you diagnose and tx posterior urethral valves?
dx. voiding cystourethrogram
tx. endoscopic fulguration or resection for tx
newborn with urethral opening in ventral side of penis - management?
- do not do circumscision!
- surgical reconstruction eventually
little girl is brought in because she perceives the sensations of having to void and voids normally but happens to be wet with urine all the time - dx and management?
low implantation of one ureter - into vagina
- symptoms only in girls
dx. with IVP and tx. with surgery
pt goes on a beer drinking binge for first time ever and shortly after develops colicky flank pain
ureteropelvic junction obstruction
- allows normal urine output w/o difficulty but if large diuresis, narrow opening cannot handle it
where is the source with total hematuria?
kidney, ureter or bladder