Urology Flashcards
severe ventral curve?
chordee- hypospadias
hypospadius complications?
fistulas, strictures
epispadias associated w/?
complete vesical (bladder) exstrophy
prepuce not retractable
obstruction to urine, UTI
penile malignancy
prepuce retracted proximal to glans
severe swelling, necrosis? fix with dorsal surgical slit?
- predisposing factors?
- inc risk of? 2
- absent reflex?
- majority occur in?
- tx: medical? surgical?
preemie/small/low birth wt, twins, exposure to estrogen in T1 infertility, malignancy cremasteric inguinal canal hCG/GnRH; orchidopexy/orchidectomy
failure of obliteration of processus vaginalis; risk for ?
hydrocele; indirect hernia
- looks like ?
- ? veins (of the ?)
- more common on ?; risk of ? if later in life
- tx: ?, alternative?
- bag of worms
- dilated, pampiniform plexus
- left, left renal tumor
- high ligation, collateral circulation, varicocele embolization
- blood trapped in?
- nonischemic (high flow) cause?
- ischemic (ow flow) causes?
- complications?
- Tx? high flow?
- procedure that shows communications created between corpora cavernosa and glans penis w/ Bx needle
- corpus carvernosum
- trauma
- SCD, leukemia
- fibrosis of corpora cavernosa; permanent impotence
- spinal anesthesia, sedation, phenylephrine (do not inject topside or underside)
- Winter’s procedure
- high flow: observe
incomplete torsion tx?
severe torsion tx?
surgery w/in 12h
surgery w/ in 4h
torsion Tx procedure?
open a book maneuver- twist outward
torsion- detect testicular b.f. w/?
color doppler u/s
peronie’s dz
- autoimmune ? dz; ? during erection from ? of corpus cavernous
- associated allele?
- tx for adequate penis length, angle 45 degrees or hourglass?
- men w/ ED?
- new injectible (collagenase)?
- connective tissue, severe penile curvature (usually superior)
- HLA-B7
- nesbit plication
- plaque incision w/ saphenous vein graft
- penile prosthesis
- colostridium histolyticum (also for Dupuytren’s contracture)
-mc in whites? blacks?
testicular, prostate
testicular ca sx?
tender breast (inc hCG) painless mass
testicular ca
- 95%? germ cells
- embryonal ca?- more common in?
- uncommon, rapid, blood & lymph, monitor w/ hCG?
nonseminoma, childhood
testicular ca
- dx?
- tx?
- to monitor?
- chemo agents?
testicular u/s
inguinal orchiectomy
alpha beta protein, hCG
BEC (bleomycin, etoposide, cisplatin)
- shrinks epithelial cells?
- shrinks stromal cells?
- surgical Tx? s/e?
- proscar (finasteride- alpha reductase inh)
- cardura (doxazosin) , hytrin (tarazosin)- alpha blockers
- prostatectomy; TURP, TUIP, or TULIP; s/e of TURP: transurethral resection syndrome (N/V, inc BP, bradycardia, tachypnea)
prostatic ca
- MC ?
- USPSTF recommends against?
- PSA > ? suggestive of ca
- screening- blacks? whites?
- Tx?
- tumor in men in US
- screening after 70 y.o.
- 10
- 40; 50
- WATCHFUL WAITING*, radical prostatectomy/TURP, LHRH agonist, radiation
chronic bacterial prostatitis young male, indwelling ?, ? pain fever/chills, dysuria, ? prostate bugs? tx? MC? G+? other tx?
catheter, perineal
tense, boggy
e coli, klebsiella
ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin; G+-cephalosporin, nafcillin
total prostatectomy, transurethral prostatectomy (TURP)
NONbacterial prostatitis
- cultures?
- tx?
NO bacterial growth
erythro, doxy, TMP-SMX, FQ (4-6w); SAW PALMETTO EXTRACT
sx of prostatitis but NO inflammation, normal leukocytes, and negative culture?
don’t give?
NO a/b