ER1 Flashcards
Intro, Chest, Abdomen, GU/Renal, ACS, Pulm
primary survey?
ABCDE: airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure/environmental control
secondary survery?
AMPLE: allergies, meds, past illness, last meal, event/environment
Disability- neuro status?
AVPU: alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive
Circulation - and control hemorrhage- use ?
DEPT: direct pressure, elevation, pressure point (proximal control), tourniquet
3 initial X-rays in trauma pt?
c-spine, CXR (AP), and pelvis
tertiary survey will ?
reassess & re-evaluate (airway status, ventilation, VS, hemodynamic status, fluid, NG output, foley output)
definitive care- ? can be Dx and Tx
exploratory laparoscopy
thoracic injuries contribute to morbidity and mortality in ?
> 60% pts w/ multiple trauma
damage to organs in chest usually from?
others include?
crushing, compression
shearing, torsion, acceleration/deceleration
MCC airway obstruction?
tongue causing choking
IV access ?
2 large bores above and below injury
chest needle decompression- locations?
2nd IC space at midclavicular line or 5th IC space at ANTERIOR axillary line (avoid long thoracic n); place above rib to avoid VAN
closure of pneumothorax?
chest tube
sucking chest wound?
- allows free air in/out of pleural space; could cause tension & acts as a ?
- may have sQ emphysema aka?
- Tx?
open pneumonthorax
one-way valve
rice-crispy sound
chest tube then apply dressing
massive hemothorax > ? ml of blood loss or persistent ? cc output per hr
1500, 200-300
flail chest
- fx?
- pain?
- breathing?
2+ ribs in 2+ places
chest wall
paradoxical (in w/ inspiration and out w/ expiration)
becks triad? pulse? seen in? tx?
hypotension, JVD, muffled heart sounds; paradoxical (SBP decreases); pericardial tamponade, pericardiocentesis w/ 18 gage at subxyphoid angle