ER1 Flashcards
Intro, Chest, Abdomen, GU/Renal, ACS, Pulm
primary survey?
ABCDE: airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure/environmental control
secondary survery?
AMPLE: allergies, meds, past illness, last meal, event/environment
Disability- neuro status?
AVPU: alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive
Circulation - and control hemorrhage- use ?
DEPT: direct pressure, elevation, pressure point (proximal control), tourniquet
3 initial X-rays in trauma pt?
c-spine, CXR (AP), and pelvis
tertiary survey will ?
reassess & re-evaluate (airway status, ventilation, VS, hemodynamic status, fluid, NG output, foley output)
definitive care- ? can be Dx and Tx
exploratory laparoscopy
thoracic injuries contribute to morbidity and mortality in ?
> 60% pts w/ multiple trauma
damage to organs in chest usually from?
others include?
crushing, compression
shearing, torsion, acceleration/deceleration
MCC airway obstruction?
tongue causing choking
IV access ?
2 large bores above and below injury
chest needle decompression- locations?
2nd IC space at midclavicular line or 5th IC space at ANTERIOR axillary line (avoid long thoracic n); place above rib to avoid VAN
closure of pneumothorax?
chest tube
sucking chest wound?
- allows free air in/out of pleural space; could cause tension & acts as a ?
- may have sQ emphysema aka?
- Tx?
open pneumonthorax
one-way valve
rice-crispy sound
chest tube then apply dressing
massive hemothorax > ? ml of blood loss or persistent ? cc output per hr
1500, 200-300
flail chest
- fx?
- pain?
- breathing?
2+ ribs in 2+ places
chest wall
paradoxical (in w/ inspiration and out w/ expiration)
becks triad? pulse? seen in? tx?
hypotension, JVD, muffled heart sounds; paradoxical (SBP decreases); pericardial tamponade, pericardiocentesis w/ 18 gage at subxyphoid angle
aortic dissection: -MC site? -pain? hoarseness? pulse? -Dx:? Tx: ?
- ligamentum arteriosum
- retrosternal, interscapular, left recurrent laryngeal nerve, radio-femoral lag
- CXR w/ mediastinum >8cm
- immediate surgery
fractured ribs/sternum tx?
analgesics, nerve block
MC abdominal organ w/ blunt trauma?
MC abd organ w/ penetrating trauma?
in abd trauma ? can be Dx and Tx
NG tube
MC Dx in ER
nonspecific abd pain
mc surgical Dx? followed by
appendicitis, cholecystitis
common meds that cause nausea? (3)
erythro, tetracycline, codeine
acute abdomen.. no need for specific Dx?
Dx w/ acute abdomen!
low grade temp generally <100.2?
appendicitis, cholecystitis
consider PID, pyelonephritis, or rupture viscous w/ temps >?
bowel sounds:
decreased in?
increased in?
high-pitched rushes & gurgles in?
peritonitis, ileus
mc urologic injury?
renal trauma
80-85% have ? trauma
dx renal trauma w/ ?
helical CT scan w/ IV contrast
most definitive way of achieving airway?
ET tube
? cc blood enough to cause pericardial tamponade
- interstitial and intra alveolar w/ capillary damage?
- arrhythmia or valvular rupture?
tracheobronchial injuries: conservative tx if ?
injury less than 1/3 diameter; otherwise surgery
esophageal injuries
MC?… unDx leads to ?
tears, mediastinitis
used for Dx of intra-abd beed?
peritoneal lavage
3 surgical indications? triple B
bleed, block, burst
acute and in F.. consider?
ectopic pregnancy, ruptured cyst
referred pain:
testicle or inguinal area?
lower back?
pancreatitis palliative in the ? position
determines if kidney trauma is intraperitoneal or extra peritoneal?
retrograde urethrogram
rhabdomyolysis dipstick?
positive heme, negative microhematuria