Urogynecology Flashcards
Stages of POp
1 more than 1 cm above the level of the hymen
2 between 1 cm above and 1 cm below the level of the hymen
3 more than 1 cm below hymen but no further than 2 cm less than TVL
4 complete procidentia/ vault eversion
Office evaluation of incontinence
History and physical exam Urinalysis Assessment of urethral mobility Post void residual urine volume measurement Demonstration of stress incontinence
What is a normal post void residual urine volume
<150 mL Indicates adequate bladder emptying
Medication’s for urge incontinence
- Antimuscarinics- act on M2 and M3 receptors to inhibit detrusor contraction
CI: urinary retention
SEs: dry mouth, constipation, narrow angle glaucoma - Beta agonist- mirabegron- muscle relaxation and increased bladder capacity
CI: poorly controlled hypertension, severe renal or liver disease) - Detrusor injection of Botox
Surgical correction of vaginal vault prolapse
Sacrospinous ligament fixation
Uterosacral ligament suspension
What is the indication for abdominal sacral colpopexy?
Recurrent cystocele, vault prolapse, enterocele
What’s the work up for urinary incontinence?
History: sx severity, goals for treatment, frequency, dysuria, nocturia, urgency, aggravating factors and timing of leakage in relation to them, PMH, PSH, meds
Physical: prolapse?, cough test, ?GSM, neurological exam, qtip test
What is a normal post void residual?
What is a normal bladder capacity?
350 cc
Graphic depiction of bladder and abdominal pressure relative to fluid volume during filling, storage, and voiding to assess bladder capacity and compliance.
Helps determine presence and magnitude of voluntary and involuntary detrusor contraction
Measures rate of urine flow and mechanism of bladder emptying.
Coordinated detrusor contraction and urethral relaxation
Indications for a urodynamic testing
unclear diagnosis after basic evaluation,
failure to improve after initial treatment,
prior pelvic floor surgery,
or symptoms that do not correlate with physical findings.
The patient is asked to empty their bladder into a commode connected to a flowmeter. The average woman can empty a full bladder in 15 to 20 seconds with an average flow rate of 20 mL/sec.
Voiding dysfunction is diagnosed if the flow rate is less than 15 mL/sec with urine volume retention greater than 200 mL.
used to differentiate between urinary stress incontinence or overactive bladder.
Urethral pressure profilometry is done at maximum bladder capacity following cystometrography by slowly pulling the pressure catheter along the length of the urethra to record the maximum urethral closing pressure. Maximum urethral closing pressure less than 20 cm H20 is indicative of
Intrinsic sphincter deficiency
Risk factors for POP
Chronic constipation
Lifestyle modification Pelvic floor exercises Wt loss Fluid changes Bladder retracing Timed voiding
Management options for stress urinary incontinence
- Sling
- Suture suspension- Burch
- Peri-urethral collagen (bulking)
Complications of surgical procedures for incontinence
UTI unmasking urge incontinence Urinary retention Hematoma in space of retzius Bladder injury Ureteral or bowel injury