Urinary tract infection Flashcards
Epidemiology of UTIs?
3-7% of girls and 1-2% of boys will have at least one symptomatic UTI before 6 years
12-30% will have a recurrence within a year
Difference of symptoms between cystitis and pyelonephritis?
Pyelonephritis is usually associated with fever and systemic involvement, where as cystitis there may be no fever
Why is UTI important in childhood?
- up to 50% of pts have a structural abnormality of their urinary tract
- pyelonephritis may scar and damage the growing kidney, predisposing to hypertension and leading to progressive CKD if scarring is bilateral
Clinical presentation of UTI in infants
symptoms are usually non specific
- fever
- vomiting
- lethargy or irritability
- poor feeding/faltering growth
- jaundice
- septicaemia
- offensive urine
- febrile seizure (>6 months)
Clinical presentation of UTI in children
- dysuria, frequency and urgency
- abdominal pain/ loin tenderness
- fever with/without rigors
- lethargy and anorexia
- vomiting and diarrhoea
- haematuria
- offensive/cloudy urine
- febrile seizure
- recurrence of enuresis
What is dysuria alone usually due to?
Vulvitis in girls
Balantitis in uncircumcised boys
Safeguarding thing to consider??
Symptoms suggestive of a UTI may also occur following sexual abuse
Methods of collecting urine samples in child in nappies
- clean catch sample when nappy is removed (recommended)
- urethral catheter
- suprapubic aspiration
Urine sample should be observed under microscope and cultured straight away (indicated in all infants and children <3y with suspected UTI)
When else may urinary white cells be present?
- febrile without UTI
- balantitis
- vulvovaginitis
When should urine culture be performed?
Always, unless both leucocyte esterase and nitrate are negative, or clinical symptoms and dipstick tests do not correlate
Methods of dipstick testing?
Nitrite stick testing
- +ve result very likely to indicate true UTI
- some children with UTI are nitrite -ve
Leucocyte esterase stick testing (for WBC)
- may be present in children with UTI, or negative
- present in children with febrile illness w/o UTIs
- +ve in balantits and vulvovaginitis
Leucocyte esterase and nitrite +ve?
regard as UTI
Leucocyte esterase -ve and nitrite +ve?
start abx treatment if clinical evidence of UTI. Diagnosis depends on urine culture
Leucocyte esterase +ve and nitrite -ve?
only start abx treatment if clinical evidence of UTI. diagnosis depends on urine culture