Urinary system Lecture 3 Flashcards
What causes an increase and decrease in ADH?
- increase happens in response to :
-low BP or volume
-increase in plasma osmolarity
-Increase in Angiotensin II
-Nicotine , Nausea - Decrease happens in response to:
-Increase in ANP
What reactions does aldosterone deficiency have on sodium and blood pressure ?
- sodium excretion
- Low blood pressure
How is ANP (Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) secretion activated?
- Increase in blood pressure
- hypervolemia
- Exercise
What does ANP cause?
- Increases glomerular filtration by vasodilation of the afferent arteriole
- decreases Cardiac output by inhibiting sympathetic nervous activity to the heart and blood vessels
- Increases Sodium and water excretion
What effects does the SNS and PSNS have on the regulation of urine?
SNS effects:
- increase in SNS impulses causes aff+eff arterioles constrict
- Decrease in SNS impulses causes aff+eff arterioles relax
If urine is normal , what constituents does it include?
- H20
- Nitrogenous waste
-urea~ from AA metabolism
-uric acid~ from nucleic acid breakdown
-creatinine~ from breakdown of creatine in skeletal muscle
If urine is abnormal , what constituents does it include?
its abnormal when you have protein and glucose in your urine
What are the steps that take place during micturition (bladder) reflex aka urination ?
- It starts with the kidney then the urine travels down to the ureter and it travels further to the urinary bladder with the help of gravity and peristalsis. then it travels down to the urethra with contraction of smooth muscle and produces a pressure gradient that causes urination.
What is the normal arterial pH levels and what is too high and too low and what does it cause
- 7.35-7.45 is normal
- 6.8-7.35 is known as acidosis
- 7.45 -8.0 is known as alkalosis
- any pH below 6.8 or above 8.0 results in death
What are some main roles of kidney in pH balance ?
- it reabsorbs bicarbonate which helps with the buffer system in our body
- it also excretes hydrogen because if hydrogen levels go up it can cause acidosis
What are some sources of H+(acids) in the body?
- Carbonic Acid formation (only volatile acid)
- Non volatile acids
-Organic acids resulting intermediary metabolism
-Inorganic acid produced during breakdown of nutrients
What 3 things can be caused by the fluctuations in hydrogen ?
- Changes in excitability of nerve and muscle cells
-Acidosis :depression of the CNS
-Alkalosis : overexcitability of the PNS and later the CNS - Marked influence on enzyme activity
- Changes influence K+ levels in body
What are three lines of defense against changes in [H+]?
- Chemical buffer systems
- Respiratory mechanisms of control
- Renal mechanisms of pH of control
How do Chemical buffer systems work?
- They don’t get actually removed but instead get paired
- Bases take up H+ and acids give up a H+ when they are in the buffer solution to balance.
What are the four buffer systems that are in your body?
- Carbonic acid
- Protein buffer system
- Haemoglobin
- Phosphate buffer system
What does the carbonic acid buffer system include?
It has bicarbonate and carbonic acid are both abundant in the ECF with kidneys regulating bicarbonate and lungs CO2 and they both combine to generate carbonic acid
Where is the protein buffer system used in the body ?
- it is primarily in the ICF but also buffers ECF
How does the Haemoglobin buffer system work to carry CO2?
- this is a primary buffer against carbonic acid changes
- 30% of the carbon is carried by the haemoglobin and brought to the lungs
- 60% is carried by carbonic acid and then converted into bicarbonate so it can travel through the blood to the lungs
- the other 10% is negligible as it just dissolves in the plasma
what does the phosphate buffer help to buffer ?
- This buffer is for the inside of the filtrate or inside of the urine. It is important because if you are producing a 4.5 pH urine you will burn your kidneys and this buffer helps to bring it to balance, this buffer will absorb hydrogen and potassium whichever one there is to help balance the pH
Can we overload buffers with hydrogen without removing them from the body?
- No all buffers have a capacity and if we continue to soak up the H+ and it must be eventually removed from the body, if this doesn’t happen there would be no further buffering capability.
What is the second line of defense in your body to help with Acid-Base balance and how does it function ?
- The respiratory system
- When you inhale and exhale it gets rid of CO2 and when it does that it also gets rid of acid and removes the hydrogen from our bodies
- So when H+ increase you get hyperventilation , and when H+ decreases you get hypoventilation
What is the third line of defense in your body to help with Acid-Base balance and how does it function?
- Renal System
- It eliminates H+ from metabolically produced acids, the H+ has to be removed through the tubules in this system. it is a energy dependent system that pushes out H+ from the tubular cell and is absorbed by the phosphate buffer and once all of it is absorbed, the tubular cells secrete ammonia and then it binds with the hydrogen ion to make ammonium ion and stays in the tubular fluid.
What is Respiratory Acidosis and what are some possible causes and compensations of respiratory acidosis and increase in [CO2]?
- Respiratory Acidosis : abnormal CO2 retention arising from hypoventilation
-Lung disease
-Depression of respiratory centre by drugs or disease
-Nerve or muscle disorders that reduce respiratory muscle activity
-Holding breath
-Chemical buffers immediately take up additional H+
-Kidneys are most important in compensating for respiratory acidosis
What is Respiratory Alkalosis and what are some possible causes and compensations of respiratory alkalosis and decrease in [CO2]
- Respiratory Alkalosis: excessive loss of CO2 from body as result of hyperventilation
-Aspirin poisoning
-Physiologic mechanisms at high altitude
-Chemical buffer systems release H+
-If situation continues a few days, kidneys compensate by conserving H+ and excreting more HCO3-
What is Metabolic Acidosis and what are some possible causes and compensations of metabolic acidosis and fall in bicarbonate?
- Metabolic Acidosis: includes all types of acidosis other than caused by excess CO2 in body fluids
-Severe diarrhea
-Diabetes mellitus
-Strenuous exercise
-Uremic acidosis: renal failure
-Buffers take up extra H+
-Lungs blow off additional generating CO2
-Kidneys excrete more H+ and conserve more bicarbonate
What is Metabolic Alkalosis and what are some possible causes and compensations of metabolic alkalosis and elevation in bicarbonate?
- Metabolic Alkalosis : reduction in plasma pH caused by relative deficiency of noncarbonic acids
-Ingestion of alkaline drugs
-Chemical buffer systems immediately release H+
-Ventilation is reduced
-If conditions lasts for a few days , kidneys conserve H+ and excrete excess bicarbonate in the urine
look at sample questions answers on one of the slides on march 28 lecture