Urinary System and Respiratory System Flashcards
A substance used to counteract or neutralize stomach acid
In sports, the act of ingesting bicarbonates prior to an athletic event to neutralize acidic by-products produced during strenuous physical activity involving anaerobic metabolism
A procedure in which a liquid or gas is injected into the rectum, usually with the intention of having the rectum dispel its contents, but sometimes used as a way to introduce drugs or to permit x-ray imaging
Fluid replacement therapy
Procedure conducted with the intent to replace body fluids lost due to disease or restricted intake: or to maintain a higher-than-normal rate of fluid excretion to ensure the removal of toxins; or possibly to administer therapeutic or anesthetic agents slowly over time.
Potassium adaption
The tolerance to increasing amounts of potassium
Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH)
A condition associated with excessive ADH secretion that results in the excretion of concentrated urine
Total body water
The sum of fluids within all compartments
The condition characterized by excessive urea or other nitrogen-containing compounds in the blood
Condition that occurs when the supportive tissue between a women’s bladder and vaginal wall weakens, stretches, and allows the bladder to bulge into the vagina
Diagnostic procedure using an optical instrument called a cystoscope that is inserted through the urethra to visually examine the bladder and lower urinary tract, to collect urine samples, or to view the prostate
Involuntary urination, especially that of a child while asleep
Condition in which the kidney is displaced downward from its usual and normal position; also called floating kidney
Nephrotic Syndrome
A kidney disorder that causes one to excrete excessive protein in the urine
A toxin that has a specific harmful effect on the kidney
Polycystic kidney disease
An inherited abnormality that affects the development and structure of kidney tubules
Shock-wave lithotripsy
A noninvasive technique used to pulverize kidney stones by passing high-pressure shock waves through a water-filled tub in which the patient sits