Urinary System Flashcards
What are the components of the urinary system?
Paired kidneys, paired ureters, urinary bladder and urethra
What are medullary rays?
Straight tubules in the cortex, some of which are continuous with collecting tubules of the medulla; originate in cortex and project down into the medulla
What kidney cells secrete erythropoietin? Which release renin?
Interstitial fibroblasts; juxtaglomerular cells
What is the outer region of the kidney between the capsule and medulla?
What composes the kidney capsule?
Outer layer of collagen and fibroblasts and inner layer of myofibroblasts
What is the area of kidney where vessels enter and exit the kidney
What part of the kidney contains nephrons?
Medullary pyramids
What forms an arch around pyramids and form a border between the outer cortex and medulla?
Arcuate vessels
What is the path of urine out of the kidney?
Pyramids-> minor calyx -> major calyx-> renal pelvis-> ureter
What structures are located in the cortex portion of the lobules?
Glomerulus, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, part of straight tubules
What are cortical labyrinths?
Glomeruli and convoluted tubules located between medullary rays
What is the functional unit of the kidney?
Kidney lobule
What is the structure of a kidney lobule?
A single medullary ray at the center and half of the adjacent cortical labyrinth on each side
What structures are located within the medulla of the kidney lobule?
Ascending and descending limbs of loop of Henle, papillary duct, and renal papilla
What opens into the minor calyx at the renal papilla?
Papillary duct of Bellini