Urinary incontinence and prolapse Flashcards
what are some predisposing factors for incontinence
pelvic changes
neurology (UMNL, LMNL)
aging–can be aided by giving back some estrogen
what are some precipitating factors for incontinence
irritative–UTI, FB
medications–direct vs. indirect
intercurrent illness
what happens if you damage the anterior vaginal wall pubocervical fascia
herniation of the bladder (cystocele) and/or urethra (uretherocele) into the vaginal lumen
what happens if you damage the endopelvic fascia of the rectovaginal septum in the posterior vaginal wall
herniation of the rectum (rectocele) into the vaginal lumen
what happens if you get injury to or stretching of the uterosacral and cardinal ligaments
can result in descensus/prolapse of the uterus (uterine prolapse)
what is an enterocele
prolapse of the small intestine after hysterectomy
what are the common presenting symptoms of pelvic prolapse
pelvic pressure and discomfort
difficulty evacuating the bowels and bladder
low back discomfort
often associated with a visible or palpable bulge in the vagina
what processes most commonly compromise pelvic support
pregnancy and subsequent delivery
chronic increases in intra-abdominal pressure from obesity, chronic cough or chronic heavy lifting
connective tissue disorders
atrophic changes due to aging to estrogen deficiency
in what population is pelvic relaxation most commonly seen
post menopausal women
due to decreased endogenous estrogen, effects of gravity over time, normal aging in the setting of previous pregnancy and vaginal delivery
why does atrophy increase risk for pelvic relaxation
associated with compromised elasticity, diminished vascular support and laxity in structural elements
tissues become less resilient to forces of gravity and increased intra-abdominal pressure and accumulative stresses on the pelvic support system take effect
what is the prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse
(some studies–11-19% chance of undergoing surgery)
lower rates in african american vs caucasian women
risk factors for pelvic organ prolapse
advancing age
conditions resulting in chronically elevated intra-abdominal pressure
hysterectomy (for apical prolapse)
- risk increases four and eightfold with the first two vaginal deliveries respectively
- obstructed labour and traumatic delivery are also risk factors
why does stress incontinence appear to “improve” sometimes as prolapse worsens
as the support for the anterior vaginal wall weakens and the bladder descends, a kink is introduced into the urethra–> mechanical obstruction that masquerades as improvement
what is “splinting”
when there is trouble voiding the bowels due to apical or rectal prolapse and to aid in defecation patients will apply manual pressure to the perineum or posterior vaginal wall
how is prolapse best examined
separate the labia and view the vagina while the patients strains or coughs
SPLIT SPECULUM exam should be performed using Sims speculum or lower half of a Grave speculum (examine anterior, posterior and midline defects)
what is complete procidentia
complete eversion of the vagina with the entire uterus prolapsing outside the vagina
how do you quantify pelvic prolapse
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantitative scale
focuses on the physical extent of the vaginal wall prolapse and not in which organ is presumed to be prolapsing within the defect
uses 6 points within the vagina that are measured relative to a fixed point of reference (hymen)
ddx for cystocele and urethrocele
urethral diverticula
Gartner cysts
Skene gland cysts
tumours of urethra and bladder
ddx for rectocele
obstructive lesions of the colon and rectum (lipomas, fibromas, sarcomas)
ddx for uterine prolapse
cervical elongation
prolapsed cervical polyp
prolapsed uterine fibroid
prolapsed cervical and endometrial tumours
how do you treat asymptomatic prolapse
can be monitored-does not necessarily require tx (expectant management)
if patient is bothered–> can intervene
what is the basis for treatment of prolapse
essentially a structural problem therefore treatment revolves around reinforcing lost support to pelvis
list treatment modalities for prolapse
- kegel exercises/pelvic floor physio
- mechanical support devices (pessaries)
- surgical repair
- low dose vaginal estrogen in post menopausal women
why do we treat post menopausal women with prolapse with vaginal estrogen
improves tissue tone, facilitates reversal of atrophic changes in the vaginal mucosa
what is the mainstay of conservative management of prolapse
act as mechanical support devices to replace the lost structural integrity of the pelvis and to diffuse the forces of descent over a wider area
indicated for any patient who desires non surgical management and in those for whom surgery is contraindicated
recurrence rate of prolapse after surgical correction
may be up to 30%
how do you surgically correct a cystocele
anterior colporrhaphy
how do you surgically correct a rectocele
posterior colporrhaphy
what is a colporhhaphy
repairs the fascial defects through which the herniation occurs
how do you surgically repair an enterocele
reinforce the rectovaginal fascia and the posterior vaginal wall