Hypertension and Diabetes in Pregnancy Flashcards
why does BP routinely decrease during pregnancy
decreased systemic vascular resistance
lowest in mid second trimester–> increases back to baseline by around term (should not be higher than pre pregnancy)
what two conditions are associated with HTN and liver injury in pregnancy
HELLP syndrome and acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP)
what is the classic triad of symptoms in preeclampsia
nondependent edema, HTN, proteinuria in the pregnant woman
- nondependent edema is no longer part of the diagnosis, though it is often how women present
- classic presentation is of a nulliparous woman in her third trimester
is there a definitive known cause for preeclampsia
what is the presumed pathophysiology of preeclampsia
underlying pathology involved a generalized arteriolar constriction (vasospasm) and intravascular depletion secondary to a generalized transudative edema that can produce symptoms related to ischemia, necrosis, and hemorrhage of organs
- one of the fundamental aspects of the disease is VASCULAR DAMAGE and an imbalance in the relative concentrations of PROSTACYCLIN and THROMBOXANE –> primarily thought to be related to circulating antibodies or antibody-antigen complexes (i.e like SLE) that damage the endothelial lining of vessel walls leading to exposure of the underlying collagen structure
- vascular injury may also be related to the hyperdynamic state of pregnancy rather than immune
list the possible hypertensive states of pregnancy
gestational/pregnancy induced HTN
severe preeclampsia
chronic hypertension
chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia
HELLP syndrome
list the maternal manifestations/complications of preeclampsia
cerebral hemorrhage
DIC and thrombocytopenia
renal failure
hepatic rupture or failure
pulmonary edema
*these complications are due to the generalized arteriolar vasoconstriction affecting the organs
list the obstetric manifestations/complications of preeclampsia
uteroplacental insufficiency–> can lead to fetal hypoxia, or if chronic, may lead to IUGR
placental abruption
increased premature deliveries
increased C/S deliveries
how do you diagnose severe preeclampsia
severely elevated BPs–> sBP above 160 and dBP above 110 or presence of any of the clinical findings
what % of patients with severe preeclampsia develop HELLP syndrome
what is HELLP syndrome
subcategory of preeclampsia in which the patient presents with HEMOLYSIS, ELEVATED LIVER ENZYMES, LOW PLATELETS
HTN and proteinura may be minimal in these patients
uncommon but patients who get it decline rapidly and have poor maternal and fetal outcomes
even with careful management–> results in high rate of stillbirth (10-15%) and neonatal death (20-25%)
what % of live births experience preeclampsia
when does preeclampsia typically develop
can develop any time after 20th week but most common in third trimester near term
what should you consider if HTN presents early in the second trimester (14-20 weeks)
hydatidiform mole or previously undiagnosed chronic HTN should be considered
what % of patients who develop HELLP were first diagnosed with preeclampsia
80%–> but the remainder of HELLP patients present with no previous history of HTN and will present with just symptoms of RUQ pain
*these women need to make sure to have HELLP ruled out despite benign initial presentation
what are the risk factors for preeclampsia
- those related to the manifestations of the disease
- -chronic HTN
- -renal disease
- -african american race (more likely to have T2DM, chronic HTN and obesity)
- -collagen vascular disease (SLE)
- -pregestational diabetes
- -maternal age below 20 or above 35 - those related to the immunogenic nature of preeclampsia
- -nulliparity
- -previous preeclampsia
- -multiple gestation
- -abnormal placentation
- -new paternity - family history
- -female relative of parturient
- -mother in law
- -cohabitation less than 1 year (“tolerance effect”)
- -parental ethnic discordance
how do you diagnose gestational HTN
BPs elevated above sBP 140/dBP 90 mmHg needed to diagnose PIH/GH
should be elevated on at least two occasions 4-6 hours apart and taken while patient seated
*if patients 24 hour urinary protein total is less than 300 mg, preeclampsia is ruled out and patient can be managed expectantly, but these patients are at risk of developing preeclampsia so follow closely with labs etc
fetal complications of preeclampsia
complications related to prematurity, if early delivery necessary
acute uteroplacental insufficiency–> placental infarct and/or abruption, intrapartum fetal distreass, stilbirth
chronic uteroplacental insufficiency–> asymmetric and symmetric SGA fetuses, IUGR
diagnosis definition of mild preeclampsia
sBP above 140 mmHg
dBP above 90 mmHg
proteinuria above 300 mg/24 hours or above 1 but less than 2 on dipstick
diagnosis of severe preeclampsia
by symptoms
neuro–> severe headache not relieved by acetaminophen
visual changes, scotoma
CV–> sBP above 160, dBP above 110
pulmonary edema
acute renal failure with rising creatinine
oliguria less than 500 mL/24hours
proteinuria or more than 5 g/24 hours or more than 3+ on dipstick
RUQ pain
elevation of transaminases, AST, ALT
hemolytic anemia
thrombocytopenia less than 100 000 platelets/mL
IUGR, abnormal fetal dopplers
diagnosis of eclampsia
preeclampsia with seizures
how do you diagnose HELLP
- hemolytic anemia–> schistocytes on peripheral blood smear, elevated LDH, elevated total bili
- elevated liver enzymes–> increase in AST, ALT
- low platelets–> thrombocytopenia
is urine dipstick a good way to rule out preeclampsia
no, especially not in the setting of HTN–> a clean urine dip does not mean they wont have elevated 24 hour protein in their urine
a better predictor in acute setting is spot urine-to-creatinine ratio because creatinine secretion is relatively constant –> ratio of 0.2 to 0.3 is concerning for preeclampsia and should warrant prompt further evaluation
what should you screen for in a woman with HELLP who presents with frank hepatic failure
what is AFLP
unclear whether own disease, or on the spectrum of preeclampsia
more than 50% of people with AFLP will also have HTN and proteinura
high mortality rate
how do you differentiate AFLP from HELLP
lab tests associated with liver failure–> elevated ammonia level, blood glucose less than 50 mg/dL, markedly reduced fibronogen and antithrombin III levels
how do you manage AFLP
liver transplant has been used but some studies report AFLP can be treated in many patients without this aggressive intervention
what is the ultimate treatment of preeclampsia
delivery –> induction of labour is the treatment of choice for pregnancies at term, unstable preterm pregnancies or pregnancies where there is evidence of fetal lung maturity
vaginal delivery may be attempted with assistance of prostaglandins, foley bulb, oxytocin or amniotomy as needed
C/S only for obstetric indications
how would you manage a patient with preeclampsia who is stable and preterm
bed rest and expectant management until delivery at 37 weeks or until delivery otherwise indicated
most commonly manage in hospital
betamethasone given to enhance fetal lung maturity
what medication is often started in women with preeclampsia and what is the dosing
magnesium sulfate
should continue for 12 -24 hours after delivery
this is for seizure prophylaxis during labour and delivery –> 4 g load and 1g/hour maintenance // some places still use 4-6 g load and 2g/hour maintenance