Urinary incontinence Flashcards
What is urinary incontinence
Involuntary loss of urine
What are the types of urinary incontinence
MC: Stress, Urge, Mixed
Nocturnal enuresis
How can urinary incontinence be classified based on pathophys
intrinsic sphincter deficiency urethral hypermobility detrusor overactivity low bladder compliance urinary retention
Transient causes of urinary incontinence include
Delirium Infection Atrophic vaginitis Pharmaceuticals Psych Excess urine production Restricted mobility Stool impaction
When taking a urinary incontinence H&P, it is important to ask
Precipitating factors (cough, laugh, movement, caffeine, EtOH, constipation, immobility)
Amount in pads x day
Urinary Sx
Uro Hx (STI, UTI, strictures, surgeries)
Neuro conditions (CVA, parkinson/s, MS, spinal disc dz)
Fluid consumption (amt, type, time)
Meds (Furosemide?)
What should you do on PE for urinary incontinence complaint
Pelvic/Prostate exam
Perineal sensation
DRE (impaction. bulbocavernosal reflex)
Check for LE edema
What are the 3 components of a female pelvic exam
- Vaginal epithelium for atrophic vaginitis
- Cotton swab text for hypermobility (cotton swab in urethra; change 30+ degrees is abn)
- Cough test
What studies can you do when assessing urinary incontinence
UA, culture Voiding diary (for voids, consumption, bowel movements) Post void residual (for retention) Cytoscopy (for strictures or tumor) Urodynamic study
What imaging can you get for urinary incontinence
Voiding cystourethrogram
Pelvic MRI
Neuro imaging
How do you treat urinary incontinence based on cause
Delirium: underlying cause Infx: abx Atrophic vaginitis: topical estrogen periurethrally Pharm: eliminate or adjust Psych: refer to psych Excess UO: manage DM, CHF, etc. alter time of fluid intake Reduced mobility: bedpan, urinal Stool impaction: bowel management
Treatment to empty bladder includes
Avoid meds that cause retention
BPH meds, surgery
What do you do if you suspect continuous incontinence (or vesicovaginal fistula)
Pyridium test (drink pyridine, insert tampon, see if it fills orange) Surgery
Tx for female stress incontinence includes (general)
NON-invasive: Behavioral therapy, Meds, Continence devices
Min. invasive: Bulking agents
Surgical: anterior repairs, suspensions, AUS, sling
What is included in behavioral therapy
activity modification voiding diary timed voiding (empty bladder before leakage) pelvic floor muscle training fluid intake modification (not at night) diet modification (no caffeine, EtOH, spicy, acidic) weight loss (decrease intra-abd pressure) avoid constipation elevate edematous LE (mobilize fluid, void before sleeping- compression stockings)
What is pelvic floor muscle training
Good for SUI, UUI, and mixed UI
Contract muscles for 6-8 seconds 10 times, TID
What meds aid in treating SUI
Alpha Agonists (Pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, imipramine) Duloxetine (SNRI)
How do alpha agonists Tx SUI
Increase muscle tone of urinary sphincter (not FDA approved)
CI in cardiac dz, uncontrolled HTN, DM, MAOI, Sz risk, glaucoma (narrow angle), amd hyperthyroid
What are ADE of Duloxetine (SNRI)