Urinary incontinence Flashcards
What are the types of UI?
Urge, stress, overflow, functional, continuous, mixed (stress and urge)
What is urge incontinence?
Urge and frequency of urination
Often due to detrusor overactivity
What is stress incontinence?
Prevalent in women (prostate protective fx)
Often due to pelvic floor weakness
Compounded by atrophic vaginitis, due to oestrogen deficiency
What is overflow incontinence?
Due to obstruction (i.e. BPH) causing chronic retention
What causes continuous incontinence?
Fistulae (risk fx: ca, crohns, surgery)
Why is UI often underdiagnosed in the elderly?
Belief it is a normal part of aging
Not asked by health professionals
What are some risk fx for UI in the young?
Pregnancy Sports Obesity Chronic cough (Anything causing inc. intra abdo pressure or weak pelvic floor)
What are some contributing fx to UI in the elderly?
Meds- diuretics, NSAIDs, antihypertensives, antipsychotics, anticholinergics Restricted mobility Altered mental function UTI Severe constipation Hyperglycaemia Hypercalcaemia Age-related LUT changes
What are some red flags of UI?
Abrupt onset
Pelvic pain- associated w/ voiding
What investigation is done if an UI red flag is present?
What are some age-related LUT changes?
Decreased bladder contractility Inc uninhabited bladder contractions Dec bladder capacity Weak sphincter striate muscle Diurnal urine output late in the day Inc post void residual vol (~1/3 of full capacity, 100-200ml in normal adult) Decreased urethral closure pressure Vaginal muscle atrophy- dry irritant causes urgency; oestrogen deficiency lead to stress UI and thin urethra
What is the management for urge UI?
Bladder retraining
B3 agonist - mirabegron
Sacral nerve stimulation (T10-l5)
What is the management for stress UI?
Pelvic floor muscle training
Surgical intervention
What is the management for overflow UI?
Surgical relief e.g. TURP
What are the complications of UI in the elderly?
Pressure sores Decline in mobility Medication adherence problems Decreased oral intake- confusion, AKI, postural hypotension, falls Isolation, depression Hygiene Decreased inability to complete ADLs