Urinary Incontinecne Flashcards
What contributes to urinary continence?
External urethral sphioncter
Pelvic floor muscles maintaining urethral pressure higher than bladder pressure
What should you ask about in urinary history?
Daytime voids (normal 4-7) Nocturia (up to 70yo >1 is abnormal) Noctural enuresis Urgency - due to detrusor overactivity Voiding difficulties: (most commonly neurological) - Hesitancy - Straining - Slow/intermittent stream Feeling of incomplete emprying Bladder pain Dysuria Haematuria Recurrent UTI
Bowel symptoms
Frequency/volume charts - information about fluid intake and voiding
What does continuous urinary leakage indicate?
Vesicovaginal fistula or congenital abrnomality such as ectopic ureter
What examination for urinary incontinence?
Neurological examination - most common cause of neurogenic bladder in woman is MS Abdominal or pelvic mass Vulval/vaginal skin atrophy? Prolaspe? Urinary leakage on coughing?
What investigations in urinary incontinence?
MSU for MC&S to exclude UTI
OGTT if diabetes suspected
Check residual volume post-micturition to exclude incomplete emptying
Visualise urethra, bladder mucosa, trigone, ureteric orifices
Biopsies can be taken
Indicated if recurrent UTI, haematuria, bladder pain, suspected fistula, tumour or interstitial cystitis
Combination of tests which look at ability of bladder to store and void urine
What are indication for cystoscopy?
Recurrent UTI, haematuria, bladder pain, suspected fistula, tumour or interstitial cystitis
What is uroflowmetry?
Screens for voiding difficulties and the patient voids in private onto a commode with a urinary flow meter, measuring voided volume over time and plotting it on a graph
What is cystometry?
Measuring pressure and volume within bladder during filling and voiding - test of bladder funciton
Bladder is filled with saline via a catheter and an intravesical and rectal probe measure differences in pressure to give to detrusor pressure
Patient is asked for first desire to void, strong desire to void and to cough
What are the classifications of urinary incontinence?
Stress urinary incontinence: involuntary leakage of urine on effort or exertion or on sneezing/coughing
Urge urinary incontinence: Involuntary leakage of urine with a strong desire to pass urine - commonly coexists with frequency and nocturne - forms overactive bladder syndrome
Mixed urinary incontinence - combination of stress and urge
Overflow incontinence:
Due to bladder outlet obstruction or injury or insult
Treat with catheter
When does stress urinary incontinence occur?
When detrusor pressure exceeds the closing pressure of the urethra
What are risk factors for stress urinary incontinence?
Menopause - oestrogen deficiency leads to weakening of pelvic upper and thinning of the urothelium
Congenital weakness
Trauma from radical pelvic surgery (e.g. for gynaecological cancer)
What investigations in stress urinary incontinency?
Urinarlysis to exclude UTI
Frequency/volume chart shows normal frequency and functional bladder capacity
Urodynamics indicated when surgery is considered
Check for detrusor overactivity
Check for voiding dysfucntion
What is conservative management for stress urinary incontinence?
Optimising control of other medical problems: Smoking cessation, weight loss, diabetes, chronic cough, constipation
Pelvic floor exercises for 3 months and continued long tern - refer to pelvic floor physiotherapy
8 contractions 3 times per day for 3 months
What is surgical management for stress urinary incontinence?
Periurethral injection of bulking agents - better for frail older women or younger women yet to complete family
Tension-free vaginal tape
- risks: bladder injury, voiding difficulty, tape erosion
Burch colposuspension
What is overactive bladder syndrome?
Urge urinary incontinence
Implies underlying detrusor overactivity
Symptoms may be provoked by cold weather, opening front door, or coughing/sneezing leading to confusion with stress incontinence
What investigations in overactive bladder?
Exclude UTI
Frequency volume chart
Urodynamics - show involuntary detrusor contractions during filling
What is management for urge incontinence?
Avoid excess fluid, caffeinated, carbonated drinks and alcohol
Bladder retraining: gradually increase intervals between voiding for 6 weeks
Antimuscarinics are first line Block parasympathetic nerves and relax the detrusor Oxybutinin (immediate release) Tolterodine Darifenacin/solifenacin
Mirabegron (beta-3 agonist) may be useful if there is a concern about anticholinergic side effects
Intravaginal oestrogen cream can help those with vaginal atrophy
What are side-effects of oxybutinin? What can be used if this is a concern?
Dry mouth
Blurred vision
Mirabegron (beta-3 agonist)
What can be used if anticholinergics do not work?
Botulinum toxin A injected cystoscopically into the detrusor
What medical management for stress incontinence? MOA? SE?
Increased NA concentration in pudendal nerve increases contraction of external urethral sphincter
SE: Dry mouth, nausea, headache, dizziness, discontinuation syndrome (dysphoria, irritability, lethargy, insomnia - withdraw gradually)
What are complications of surgery for stress incontinence?
Bladder perforation Damage to pelvic blood vessels or viscera - haemorrhage Failure GRoin pain Urgency/frequency Vaginal tape erosions