Urinary Embryology (S2 stuff done) Flashcards
Fter gastrulation, what are the two areas of the trilaminar disk where endo- and ectoderm are in direct contact?
Buccopharyngeal membrane (rostrally)
Cloacal membrane (caudally)
What are the 3 primitive kidney systems and from what tissue do they develop?
All develop from Intermediate mesoderm
Identify the red and yellow structures and label the lines
Gut tube
Intermediate mesoderm
Boxes from top clockwise:
Pronephric Duct
What is the function of the pronephros?
Never functions as a filtration system
The pronephric duct is the only useful structure as it drives the development of the next developemental stage
Describe the development of the pronephros
Begins developing in the cervical region of the intermediate mesoderm
Drops the long pronephric duct down caudally, running parallel to the gut tube
Finally connecting to the caudal gut tube at the cloaca
What structure develops after the pronephros?
The urogenital ridge is created as intermediate mesoderm continues to develop cranially to caudally
What structures are found within the urogenital ridge?
The mesonephros
The mesonephric duct (What used to be the pronephric duct)
What are the structures and functions of the embryonic kidney?
Mesonephric tubules
Mesonephric duct
Mesonephric tubules developing in the mesonephros can perform primitive renal function (can’t conserve water)
Mesonephric duct sprouts the uretic bud which induces definitive kidney development
Mesonephric duct has important role in male reproductive system development
Label the boxes
Top then Bottom:
Mesonephric duct
Describe the development of the metanephros and ureteric bud
Ureteric bud appears on the mesonephrotic duct
This stimulates a zone of special intermediate mesoderm to develop/differentiate into the metanephric blastema
The ureteric bud contacts the blastema and starts to expand and branch, later developing into the ureter, renal pelvis, calycies and collecting ducts (collecting system) while the blastema (excretory component) develops around it
Label this diagram of metanephric development
Boxes From top left clockwise:
Uretic bud contacts metanephros
Bud expands and branches
Minor calyx
Major calyx
Renal pelvis
During it’s development, the metanephros moves.
Describe where it moves
What is the mechanism of movement?
Metanephros undergoes an ‘apparent’ caudal to cranial shift into its final position in the lumbar region
Crosses the arterial fork formed by vessels returning blood from fetus to placenta
Largely due to elongation of the trunk
Some genuine movement of the metanephros
Describe how the kidneys are vascularised during ascent
How is this relevant clinically?
Blood is supplied by a series of arteries from the aorta
One artery is present at a time
As kidney moves cranially, another artery develops to supply it
Previous artery degenerates
This sequence explains the common appearance of multiple renal arteries, if one artery fails to degenerate then multiple will be seen in the adult
What might happen if a ureteric bud fails to interact with the intermediate mesoderm?
Renal agenesis
Usually uni-lateral
Compatible with life if unilateral
What is a Wilm’s Tumour?
Cancer of the kidney’s that normally affects <5s but may occur fetally