HPsyHD S6 (Done) Flashcards
Outline what is meant by ‘attachment’ in terms of infants
Biological system designed to maintain infant proximity to caregiver
Infant displays proximty seeking and contact maintaining behaviour
This biological process also leads to an infant developing a ‘mental model’ of attachment based on interaction with primary caregiver
Critical period for attachment in the 1st year of life, problems may arise if child separated from caregiver before 4yrs old
Outline Schaffer’s proposed stages of social development within the first 8 months of life
Infant shows preference for human faces to inanimate objects, first ‘social smile at 6wks+
Approx 3 months:
Distinguish strangers from non-strangers and show preference (E.g. smiling)
Will allow caring adult to handle them without undue upset
7-8 months:
Specific attachment formed, child will miss key people and show signs of distress in their absence
Wary of strangers touching them or picking them up, even in presence of key figure
Describe Mary Ainsworth’s ‘Strange situation’
Mother and child are placed in an attractive environment for the child
Mother and child interact
Stranger enters the room, at first ignoring child, then attempting to interact
Mother leaves the room and stranger continues to attempt to interact
Mother re-enters and stranger leaves (The reunion)
After a while, mother leaves child alone
Stranger enters and attempts to interact
Mother re-enters and stranger leaves (second reunion)
What features of a child’s behaviour are of particular interest in the strange situation?
Mother-Child interact (E.g. proximity of child to mother, willingness to explore)
Stranger interaction with mother present (E.g. Withdraw from stranger to mother)
Stranger-child interaction (E.g. Crying, stranger’s ability to console)
Reunion (E.g. Immediate end to crying or protracted crying after mother returns)
These behaviours can help us determine the attachment type of the child (Secure/Insecure)
What are the different attachment styles?
What child/caregiver behaviours are likely to predict secure attachment?
Carer sensitive to child’s signals (rying, smiling, cooing, discomfort)
Rapid, appropriate response to signals
Interactive synchrony
Carer accepts role
Carer has higher self esteem
What are the benefits of secure attachment to the child?
Social competence
Peer relations
Self reliance
Physical and emotional health
What behavioural changes might be seen in a child that is separated from its carer?
Separation anxiety
Bed wetting
Slower movement
Less play and sleep
Changes in HR and temp
What are Bowlby’s 3 stages of separation?
Distressed, looking for mother, may cling to substitute
Can last hours/days
Signs of helplessness, withdrawn, intermittent crying
More interst in surroundings, more social, may smile
When carer returns, apathetic and remote
In what age group are the most overt signs of distrss upon separation seen?
Why might this be?
6 months to 3 years
Lack ability to keep image of carer in mind
Limited language (E.g. tomorrow) and ability to comrehend the abstract
Abandonment may be attributed to own failings (E.g. being naughty)
What might be the implications on health outcomes for a child that has been separated from carer?
Adherence to treatment suffers, may impede recovery
Pain may be worsened by anxiety
Stress may adversely affect health
Outline the critisisms of attachment theory
Too simplistic
Ignores other carers (focus on mother)
Multiple attachments may be formed, this was not initially explored
Quality of substitute care not considered
How might in-patient based care of children minimise the effects of separation from carer?
Allow carer access
Allow attachment objcts (toys)
Reassure child they are not being punished or abandoned
Environment more like home
Stimulating toys and activities
High quality substitute care (specialist nurses)
Continuity of staff
Outline Piaget’s theory of cognitie development
Child’s mind develops in stages with distinct differences in thought process
Sensorimotor - 0-2 yrs
Preoperational - 2-7 yrs
Concrete operational - 7-12 yrs
Formal operational - 12+ yrs
Outline the cognitive developments and limitations that typify a child during the sensorimotor stage of development
Develop motor co-ordination
Develop body schema (awareness of self, where they end and world begins)
Develop object permancene (Understands objects exist even when unseen)
No abstract concepts
Babies experience world through senses