Urinary Bladder (Twomey) - W4 Flashcards
What are some urinary bladder anomalies?
- Diverticula - most acquired due to bladder outlet obstruction (stasis, infection, calculi)
- Patent urachus/urachal cyst - persistent allantoic duct
- Vesicoureteral reflux - pyelonephritis
- Exstrophy - failure of development of anterior abdominal wall (chronic infections, adenocarcinoma)
cystitis Symptoms
- Triad
- frequency
- pain
- dysuria
- systemically
- fever
- chills
- maliaise
- mental changes
What could cause non-infectious cystitis?
- Radiation
- chemoterhapy agents - cyclophosphamide
- interstiital cystitis (hunner ulcer)
What are the histologic types of cystitis?
- Acute - PMN’s hypereima, suppurative exudate
- Chronic - lymphocytes hyperemia, hyperplasia, fibrosis
- Hemorrhage - radiation/chemo, adenovirus
- Interstitial
- females, persistant + painful, full thickness inflammation
- autoimmune?
- Cystitis grandularis - metaplasia or infection
- Malacoplakia - soft yellow raised plaques, lymphocytes, E. coli or proteus
Who is transititional cell carcincoma of the urothelial common in?
- 90% of all neoplasms of bladder
- age 50-80
- urban > rural
lung cancer has similar demographics
What are the CAUSES of bladder neoplasms?
- tobacco
Aromatic amines/azo dyes
- 2-napthylamine
- aniline dye + rubber industry
- Chronic schistosomiasis - S. haematobium
- Long term analgesics - phenacetin
- long term cyclophosphamide
- Saccharin - artificial sweetener
Why are aromatic amines and azo dyes common causes of bladder neoplasms?
- conjugated in vivo w/glucuronic acid which makes them non-toxic.
- Human urine glucuronidase splits the bond exposing the urothelium to carcinogen 15-40 yr latency
What are symptoms of bladder neoplasms?
gross hematuria
- lots of blood + over 50 -> think bladder cancer
- frequency + dysuria
- high risk group
How should you evaluate hematuria?
- Urinanalysis
- dipstick - blood
- micro - casts, RBCs, nothing
- cytourethroscope
- urinary cytology - sensitive 90%
- evaluation of upper tracts
What is the number one predictor of prognosis for bladder cancer?
- Stage Ta = 90% 5 year surivival
- T2 = up to 80% 5 yr.
- T3 = less than 5 yr. 50-60%
- M1 = less than 10% 5 year survival
How do we treat urothelial (TCC) cancer
low stage
- transurethral resection
- High stage (T2/T3)
- cystectomy w/node dissection - morbid, won’t pee normally
- chemo = no help
- T2, T3 or metastatic
- chemo therapy (gemcitabine, cisplatin) MVAC
- not much radiation
Squamous cell carcinoma
- 3-7% of epithelial cancers - uncommon in US
- S hematobium (endemic areas) and chronic irriation/inflammation (catheters)
- 70% 1 year mortality
2 Non-epithelail tumors (bladder cancer)
Rhabdomyosarcoma -adult and chlidhood
- males more in childhood
- good prognosis w/aggressive therapy
Leiomyosarcoma - adults
- median age = 40 to 60
- m:f = 3:3
- bulky invasive tumors w/poor prognosis
What are common causes of bladder incontience when sneezing, lifting, valsalva?
- prostate
- hypertrophy/surgery
- muliparity
- obesity