Urinalysis Procedures Flashcards
Urinalysis is a screening test that can assess and detect what disorders?
1) Renal function/disorders
2) Endocrine or metabolic function/disorders
3) UTI
4) Systemic diseases
What are clinical reasons for doing a UA?
It’s an important indicator of health.
It screens for diseases/disorders.
It is a cost-effective in-vitro diagnostic test.
Simple to do.
What are the four non-instrumented collection methods?
1) First morning void.
2) Random.
3) Clean catch.
4) 24 hour.
What are the three instrumented collection methods?
Urethral catheterization.
Suprapubic needle aspiration.
Catheterization and bladder irrigation.
How soon should urine be analyzed, and how long can it be refrigerated if you can’t test it in time?
Analyze within 1-2 hours OR refrigerate for 3-6 hours.
What happens to urine if it is left at room temperature?
It will decompose and give inaccurate results.
What does urea splitting bacteria do to urine?
It produces ammonia which combines with hydrogen ions and increases the pH of urine.
-pH changes will dissolve any casts present.
How does a false negative glycosuria occur?
Bacteria uses glucose in urine as a source of energy.
What happens to certain urinary elements, like blood cells and casts, if they’re left standing in urine?
They will deteriorate unless a preservative is used.
Preservation Method: Freezing
Advantage: No cost to transport or store, simple to perform.
Disadvantage: May destroy formed elements.
Preservation Method: Toluene
Advantage: Preserves acetone, diacetic acid and proteins by floating on top of urine and making an airtight seal.
Disadvantage: Flammable, difficult to separate from specimen.
Preservation Method: Thymol
Advantage: Inhibits bacteria and fungus.
Disadvantage: False positive for protein.
Preservation Method: Chloroform
Advantage: Preserves urine aldosterone levels.
Disadvantage: Settles to the bottom of containers.
Preservation Method: Formaldehyde
Advantage: Preserves urinary sediments/cells.
Disadvantage: Interferes with glucose evaluation.
Preservation Method: Hydrogen Chloride
Advantage: Stabilizes steroids.
Disadvantage: Hazardous liquid and fumes. Formed elements are destroyed.
Preservation Method: Boric Acid
Advantage: Preserves chemical and formed elements.
Disadvantage: Uric acid may precipitate.
Preservation Method: Preservation Tablet
Advantage: Preserves urine for dipstick chemical analysis and sediment evaluation if transportation is necessary.
Disadvantage: Unsuitable for sodium, potassium, and hormone analysis.
First Morning Void
1) Most concentrated.
2) Increased number of abnormal elements.
3) Decreased deterioration of formed elements.
4) Recommended for chemical and microscopic examination.
Random Urine Specimen
1) Collect at any time.
2) Most convenient and most common method.
3) Can detect abnormalities but not as sensitive as first morning void.
Clean Catch Specimen
1) Specimen of choice for bacterial cultures.
2) May perform cultures within 12 hours after collection if specimen was refrigerated.
3) Genitals must be cleaned with mild antiseptic solution.
4) Collect mid-stream in a sterile container.
24 Hour Specimen
1) Gives quantitative results.
2) Preservatives may be needed.
- Make sure to mark start and end time.
What type of instrumented collection is not suggested for bacteriologic examination and should only be used if there’s no other way to collect urine?
Urethral catheterization
-Commonly used on markedly obese patients with difficulty in urine collection.
What type of urine collection is used in place of catheterization for collecting a single urine sample?
Suprapubic Needle Aspiration.
- Avoids vaginal and urethral contamination.
- Method of choice for infants and young children.
What type of collection method is used for bladder outlet obstruction (urinary retention), to confirm positive cultures from disposable bags, and prior to the institution of specific therapies?
Suprapubic Needle Aspiration