Urinalysis Date and disease corrleation Flashcards
glomerular disease
usually due to glomerular basement membrane (immunologic disease, metabolic disease, hereditary disease); basement membrane damage causes morphologic changes, altered glomerular function, increased permeability allowing leakage of cells and protein into urine
Glomerular injury clinical findings
proteinuria, heamturia, oliguria, edema, hypertension, blood will have hypoproteinemia, and azotemia
acute glomerulonephritis
usually after streptococcal infection, antibody mediate: blood cultures negative. Clinical findings: sudden onsent, fever, malaise, nausea, oliguria, edema, mild hypertension
Acute glomerulonephritis urinalysis
physical: yellow, hazy
chemical: blood, proteinuria (mild)
microscopic: RBC, WBC, RTE, Casts (RBC–>hemoglobin–>granular)
nephrotic syndrome
selective filtering capability of glomerulus is lost, pitting edema, azotemia, hypertension, and oliguria
nephrotic syndrome urinalysis
physical: yellow, hazy (cloudy)
chemical: blood, proteinuria (severe),
microscopic: RBC, WBC, RTE, OFB, free fat, casts
Diabetes mellitus
polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, nocturia
diabetes mellitus urinalysis
physical: yellow, hazy
chemical: glucose, proteinuria, ketouria.
microscopic: RBC, casts, maybe yeast
altered tubular function is caused by
reabsorption-secretion capability lost, concentrating-diluting capability lost
altered tubular function results in
build up of waste products in bloodstream, loss of essential substances into urine
renal glycosuria
glucose in urine, renal threshold not exceeded
renal glycosuria urinalysis
glucose, cysteine cyrstals