Urinalysis Flashcards
What changes happen to urine at room temperature?
increased pH, decreased glucose, decreased ketones, decreased bilirubin, decreased urobilinogen, increased bacteria, increased turbidity, disintegration of red blood cells and casts, changes color
clear urine
like water; easily read newspring
blurry but lines are still visible
lines are barely visible; cannot read newsprint
cannot see through it; often have particulates
Significance of foam in urine
white foam: protein is present
yellow foam: bilirubin is present
glucose reagent strips
normal result: negative
abnormal: diabetes mellitus, impaired tubular resorption, and inborn errors of metabolism
pre-renal glycosuria
plasma glucose level exceeds renal threshold (diabetes mellitus)
renal glycosuria
plasma glucose level below renal threshold, but tubules cannot reabsorb glucose back into bloodstream
glucose reagent strip specificity- false negative/postive causes
reacts only with glucose. False positive: strong oxidizing agents, peroxides
false negatives: ascorbic acid, high ketone levels, improperly stored urine
copper reduction test, detects all reducing sugars and reacts with glucose, galactose, lactose, fructose, ascorbic acid, homogenistic acid but not sucrose
what level of glucose is required to detect on clinitest and dipstick?
clinitest: 250 mg/dl
dipstick: 100 mg/dl
bilirubin dipstick
only find conjugated bilirubin in urine. Normal result is negative. Abnormal: seen in liver disease, hepatic jaundice obstruction, obstructive jaundice.
Reasons for false negative for bilirubin
ascorbic acid inhibits, high urine nitrites inhibit, low bilirubin concentration, improper specimen handling (protect from light)
reasons for false positive bilirubin
urine color interference, drug induced color changes, perform ictotest to confirm presence of bilirubin
ketones dipstick
products of incomplete fat metabolism. Normal: negative. abnormal: inability to utilize carbs, DM, inadequate intake of carbs, excessive loss of carbs. Fruity odor from acetone
reasons for ketone false negatives
improper storage: volatilization, bacterial breakdown
reasons for ketone false positive
compounds containing free-sulfhydryl groups, highly pigmented urines