Urinalysis Flashcards
Total Body Water (TBW)
60% of body weight
TBW is highest in ____
and lowest in ____
Highest in newborns and adult males; lowest in adult females and adults with a large amount of adipose tissue
Functions of Kidney
- regulates blood volume/pressure
- eliminate wastes by filtering the blood plasma
- regulates fluid osmolarity
secretion and hormones in kidney
- Rennin
- Erythropoietin
- Calcitrol (Vit. D)
- Gluconeogenesis
Kidney detoxifies…
- Free radicals
- Drugs
Metabolic wastes
- CO2 (respiratory and urinary)
- Nitrogenous wastes (urinary)
Urea compromised how many percent in total nitrogenous wastest in human?
The by-product of all chemical reactions in the body that needs to be excrete or else the build up will sicken and eventually kill the person
Human Metabolic Wastes
A liquid containing multiple waste products of metabolism, especially urea and other nitrogenous compoiunds
Urine is stored in ____
and excreted through the ___
stored in urinary bladder; excreted through urethra
Urine Formation
- Glomerular filtration (creates a plasma-like filtrate of the blood)
- Tubular reabsorption (removes useful solutes from the filtrate, returns them to the blood)
- Tubular secretion (removes additional wastes from the blood, adds them to the filtrate)
- Water conservation (removes water from the urine and returns it to blood, concentrates wastes)
Urine consituents
- Uric acid (0.3-2.0g from purine degradation)
- Hippurate (0.15g)
- Creatine (0.05-0.10g from muscle metabolism)
- Creatinine (1.0-1.5g from creatine and creatine phosphate)
- Urea (10-35g from proteins and amino acids)
Organic Constituents
- Glucose (< 0.16g)
- Ketone bodies (< 3g)
- Proteins (< 0.15g)
- Amino acids (1-3g)
Inorganic constituents
- Cl (120-240)
- Na (100-150
- HPO^2 4 (10-40)
- SO^2 4(30-60)
- NH4 (30-50)
- K (60-80)
- Ca2 (4-11)
- Mg2 (3-6)
Routine urine examintation, most useful tool for clinicians as an indicator or health or disease