Define the term urbanisation.
It is the increase in the proportion of people living in towns and cities.
Define the term internal migration.
This is the when a person moves to live and work in another place with the same country.
Define the term pull factor.
Pull factors are to do with where people wish to move to. These are the reasons that attract people to a new place.
Define the term push factor.
Push factors are to do with where people are living. These are the reasons to move away from a place.
Name the case study that would be used to answer a 7 mark internal migration case study question.
The movement of people form Aswan District of Egypt to Cairo.
List four push factors.
Four push factors are failed crops leading to a shortage of food and increased rates of malnutrition, along with poor medical and educational services.
List four pull factors.
Four push factors are greater chance of finding a better paid job and better housing conditions, along with better access to medical and educational services.
List the three main reasons that cause the increase in the population of a settlements.
The causes are migration, natural increase and a change in the boundaries of the settlement.
Define the term natural increase.
The increase in population due to the birth rate been higher than the death rate.
Which of the following reasons is the most important reason for the increase in a settlements population growth. Is it either natural increase or migation.
Suggest three reasons why not all migrants find better paid work in towns and cities.
There are a shortage of jobs, they do not have the educational qualifications to fill these jobs or they cannot read or write (illiterate)
List four problems found in a city that that has increased in population.
The four problems could be a shortage of affordable housing leading to an increase of people living in shanty towns or on the streets, a shortage of jobs which leads to a increase in crime, pressure been put on existing medical services leading to an increase in waiting times and an increase in road transport leading to more air pollution such as carbon monoxide which may effect people health.
Give two economic reasons why people migrate from Aswan District of Egypt.
This is because the plot of land is too small, (66% of plots only 50 meters square. Secondly people who rent land from a landlord have found that the rapidly increasing rents mean that they cannot generate enough income to support their family.
Suggest reasons how the poor state of medical care in the Aswan District of Egypt contributes to migration.
Access to health care is poorer as there a fewer doctors in the district of Aswan. This is because the government do not pay the doctors enough to move there; usually a doctor in a government clinic supplements his income by also having private patients. This is not really feasible in the district of Aswan as the many of the population live below the poverty line.
Explain how the education system in Aswan District of Egypt contributes to migration.
• The quality of primary education is low. This is because the class sizes are very large, (60 per class) and the teachers are sometimes not fully trained.