Urban Renaissance Flashcards
Symbolic community
Places of creativity, reshaping urban geog and urban ecology
E.g. Sage - geogs of exclusion, literal bridging
Zukin 1995
Creative class
The Front
Choreography of the front is produced by the production of low income jobs in the back region
Zukin 1995
Globally funded warehouse intensified by technology shift
Now make sense of the city through our (auto)mobilities
Sheller and Urry
Does it still make sense to view the ‘practice of everyday life from walking’?
Sectors clustering
Non utilized buildings being utilized as cheaper than in CBD to facilitate the creative class
Reflects contemporary urban consump patterns
And also a distinct ‘geog of amenity’
SB = search for bourgeouis utopia
New heartland of US cult & ideology - post-SB
Balancing of econ, resid and other functions - landscape
Utopia on the Urban Edge - Phu My Hung, Saigon
Desocialization of space - secessionary networked spaces, decline of public space
Douglass and Huang
Accumulation by dispossession
Global NL - push inhabs by eminant domain
Exploiting people to enable capital accum - finan powers backed by states push for forcible slum clearance
Cap accum through reak estate booms as land acquired via no costs
Harvey 2008
Post-modern urbanism
Splintering urbanism
Cities rep largest and most conc sources of IFS to facilitate the needs of serving and expanding urbans
Premium spaces bypass redundant spaces
Graham and Marvin
Bourgeois environmentalism
Construction of nature within city but with reassuringly specific atmosphere
Keeping the squatters out of sight
Polymorphous constellation of municipalities
Discontinuous consetllation of spatial frags and social segments
OC: County-City, Soja
Trait geogs
Against a specifically territorial ontology of cities to appreciate forms of movement, encounter and exchange rather than cities with immutable traits
Roy 2009
Geog of cities are expanding beyond the conventional pol jurisdictions
Negates rep demo which comprises ability of local state to serve collective interests of constituents
May itnensify subordination of local state to plutocratic privitism
May lead to higher div between rich and poor
Dear and Dahmann
Post-pol sense - pol been dampened by cities
Rebel cities - cap doms prod of urban life
But cities also spaces of rad and pol revolution
The trad centrality of city has been destroyed
But impulses twoards longing for its restoration to prod far-reaching pol effects
How else can we articulate our collective cries and demands
EJ in NY - imagined community (Anderson)
Harvey 2012