Informality Flashcards
Planet of slums
Links rapid UBS, cap and NL policies
Lumpen proletariat
Davis 2006
1/3 world’s urban pop live in slums
UN Habitat 2008
Informality is a hidden geography:
Lack of data, IFS, no understanding of how much housing
Squatting Agency Incremen devel - possession of land without sale - illegal allows spreading of cost No-rent Encroachment
Pirate UBS Marked by invisible real estate market Legally purchased and illegally subdiv Privitization of squatting Istanbul 1960s e.g.
Davis 2006
Problem with ‘slum’
Angotti 2006
Tent cities
Loftus-Farren 2011
Documenting informal sociality
Formalized forms of informal urban culture
Bottom up governance and resistance to gangs e.g. Favela Rising, Hip-Hop in Rocinha
De Silva and Shaw
Documenting sociality
Undercity on fringes of ever-looming ‘over-city’
Foster ingenuity, experimentation
Building new social collectives
Self documentation
Rather than outsiders going in - ^ powerful
Subjugated voices
Map Kibera, self documentation
Interactive community Programe
Comm-led enumerations to create political groups
Conducing census’ on own NBDs
Most states don’t conduct as easier to demolish and not proivde services if not recognised
People’s Census: Slum Dweller’s Internat
Residents of 1500 homes evicted in India
Banuwal Nagar, India
What is deemed ‘illegal’ is what looks illegal
Ghertner 2008
Econ lib, bourgeois citizens want a city that matches aspirations for gracious living
No place for poor
Apartheid-style seg the norm
People as IFS
Max output from min
Associational life
City = perm settlement of soically heterog indivs
Full of associations
Wirth 1997
Autonomous way of life - failure of modern states to fulfill needs of informals
Refrain from resorting to police and offics - cos of failure to deliver
Bayat 2010
Kinds of street pol are not extradordinary - but spontaneous
They are logical and natural, far from destructive behaviour of the ‘lumpen proletariat’
Imposs for authorities to resist them as informals will respond with on the spot resistance
Bayat 2010
Silent and free form mobilisation
Silent encroachment and autonomous
Current focus on notion of ‘civil soc’ belittles uninstitutionalized and hybrid social activities of informals
There is more than 1 conception of ‘civil soc’
Reductionism excludes modes of struggle and expression that are more effective and extensive as formal, institutionalized counterparts
Unregulated domain of activities, unplanned
Outside institutionalized regulation
Castells and Porter
A demo from below - practice of subaltern
Appadurai 2001
State and incrementalism:
Repressive policy especc of mercantilist state producing inefficiency and thus forcing poeple to seek inf/autonomous lives
Demo state - ^ efficient but less ground for aunomous as’ll become integrated - more inclned to play games
Need quiet encroachment of the ordinary
Small movements to catalize huge social movements
Insurgent Urbanism
Counter modernist state
Life outside norm and institutional definitions of legal codes
Shared community becomes a prob as IU is against formal citizenship as is more complex and shifting
Property is the basis of inequality
Rousseau 1755
Rev based on land - basis of inequality and freedom
Malcolm X
The mystery of capital
Govs should reward squatters with land titles
Could finance entreprises or investments were it not for legal obstacles
If owned land, then can take out loan - entrepreneurship
Cap hasn’t found way of bringing these people into capital system
Housing not worth much individually, but collectivlying - burgeoning market
But I says rewarding a squatter is like rewarding a pickpocket
De Soto 2000
Legality of Federations of Tenants Association
Sanjay Gandhi Nagar, Gurgoan, Mumbai
Governance important in ensuring authorities are accountable to citizens
Satterthwaite 2002
Institutional pluralism
Failed to keep up with demand and state accused of shirking responsibilities
Shift from state handling own and ^ingly states working with so assocs
States shift from provider to a enabler
Mumbai’s SRA
Construct of tenements cross-subsidized by tenements sold on open market
Partnership model - 40% of land to sell to MC
Govs finding it ^ingly hard to find land for sites and services and other schemes in locations where income generating activities are near
80s - RSP of states and civil society
Donating serviced land so could build homes and RS when money
X - land allocation on city peripheries
Little take up and bought by wealthy
Enabling Shelter Strategies
Why India can’t plan its cities
Roy 2009
Legal expropriation of land in favour of public interests
This is an oxymoron
Territorialized flexibility
Convergence of legal and extralegal
Why are some places deemed illegal and worthy of demolition?
Speculative urbanism
Soft politicization of toilets
Sani and urban geography
Shows why people some people use certain spaces e.g. divs of gender and class
And social rules that govern NBD - eth, relig
divide city due to social issues
Gender relations being destabilised by sanitation
Bapat and Agarwall
Urban geography has a holistic approach - ANT
Latour 2010