Urban Drainage Flashcards
Why is urban precipitation a problem?
- You get more rain in urban areas due to the warmer air in cities holding more moisture and the pollution making more condensation nuclei.
- less vegetation in urban areas so less evapotranspiration and interception.
- high surface run off
- reduced infiltration due to impermeable surfaces
What is the urban water cycle?
- Source
- Water treatment
- Water distribution
- Use
- wastewater collection
- Wastewater treatment (links back to source in a cycle)
How can urban areas affect rivers through pollution?
- sediment from building sites, river bank erosion
- oil and chemicals from cars
- heavy metals from car exhausts
- pesticides and nutrients from parks and gardens
Viruses from pet waste
What are SUDS?
They are a sequence of water management practises and facilities that are designed to drain surface water through a more sustainable approach.
What are Swales?
They provide temporary storage for water, reduce peak flows and also water filtration directly into the ground.
What are wetlands like?
Can accommodate varied water levels in storms, algae and plants act as filters and nutrient removal. Silt traps to manage sediment.
What are permeable pavements like?
Reduces the need for sewers. The water could go through concrete block into subsoil or be stored in the underground reservoir.
What are infiltration trenches like?
They are stone fixed reservoirs to which storm water run off is directed to and infiltrated into the ground. Their longevity can be extended through a filter strip or gully.