Upper Urinary Tract Flashcards
What are the components of the upper urinary tract?
What are the components of the lower urinary tract?
Which structures of the urinary tract are located in the abdomen?
Proximal ureters
Which structures of the urinary tract are located in the pelvis?
Distal ureters
Proximal urethra
Which structures of the urinary tract are located in the perineum?
Distal urethra
What structures lie directly anterior to the kidneys?
Visceral peritoneum Paranephric fat Renal (deep) fascia Perinephric fat Renal capsule Kidney
What muscles lie lateral to the kidney?
Anterolateral abdominal wall muscles:
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transversus abdominis
What muscle lies medial to the kidney?
Psoas major
What muscles lie posterior to the kidney?
Quadratus lumborum
Back muscles
Where do the kidneys lie in relation to the vertebrae?
Right = L1 - L3 Left = T12 - L2
Which ribs are posteriorly related to the kidneys?
11 and 12
Which regions/quadrants are the kidneys found in?
Lumbar regions (flanks) Upper quadrants
Why do the kidneys move on breathing?
In contact with liver/spleen, which are in contact with diaphragm
Which direction do the kidneys move with breathing?
Inspiration = inferiorly Expiration = superiorly
Which structures does the right kidney lie posterior to?
Liver (+ hepatorenal recess)
Ascending colon
Right colic flexure
Which structures does the left kidney lie posterior to?
Tail of pancreas
Hilum of spleen
Splenic vessels