Upper respiratory tract infections (Week 2) Flashcards
1 remedy for whooping cough
Respirtory illness:
Drosera cough:
-Tormenting cough, paroxysms (=fits/attacks), they follow one another quickly-short cough, ringing cough
-Must hold the chest to cough, inability to cough due to the pain
-< evening, after midnight- 2am, after drinking, exertion, singing, smoking. Cough after measles
> walking
Rumex crispus:
Yellow dock
Spongia Tosta:
Roasted sponge
Shortcut for croup:
Bonninghausen used 3 remedies to cure croup:
-Aconitum + spongia + hepar sulphuris calcareum
-He gave aconitum, repeated 2 hours later if not better. Waiting 2-3 hours, if needed gave spongia. Again waited and if still not better, he gave a second dose of spongia. Hepar was rarely needed
Followers changed the order of aconitum-spongia-hepar-spongia-hepar It also works.
Ipecac (carapichea ipecacuanha)
Rubiaceae family
Sensitive to cold, winter, wind and warmth, warm wind; dry weather AND moist wind, rain…
< warmth, damp warmth, warm room; overeating (ice cream, pork, veal rich foods, mixed foods, candy, fruit (raisins, berreies), salads, lemon peel); heat and cold; vomiting; motion; lying
> open air; rest, pressure, closing the eyes (warm, we weather…) cough > cold drinks, rest, but < stepping out in the open air or in warm room
Periodically: every other day or every day at the same time (11am, 7pm)
Often thirstless
-Irritable; contempt for everything when irritated; impatient (at work, with heat)
-Anxiety during fever, coughing, suffocation
-Many desires, can’t express them, doesn’t know for what; hard to please
-Intolerant to noise; vexed but quiet; tranquil after anger
-Attacks of anorexia and hypochondria with epigastric tension, constipation