Upper GI Flashcards
Failure of relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter and absence of peristalsis
Due to loss of inhibitory ganglion cells in Auerbach’s plexus
Associated with increased risk of SCC (140fold)
Achalasia Ix
OGD - rule out malignancy
Manometry - incomplete relaxation of LOS with high resting pressure and abscence of peristalsis
24hr pH not essential
Achalasia Mx
Lap Hellers Myotomy with anterior For Fundoplication -85-95% successful
Controlled division of muscles of lower 6cm of Oesphagus and 2cm of stoma - Fundo prevents reflux which occurs in 20%
Endscopic ballon dilation - 70-80% initial success with 5% risk of perf .
Approx 50% need repeat tx within 1yr
BSG initial diameter of 30mm with second session 2-28days later of 35mm
Botox injections - sort term relief and 70% have reoccurrence at 1yr
Ca channel blockers and nitrates - only effective in 10%
OGD, pH and manometry
Nissens in patients with poor peristalsis (Fundo not backed by RCT evidence)
24hr pH monitoring
Total acid reflux time as percentage of total recording (<5% is normal)
Others - episodes >5mins, number of episodes, upright and supine time and longest episode
Computer generates a DeMesester score - (normal <14.72)
Symptoms correlation is important - symptom index (episodes related to recorded reflux) - >50% is positive
Types of reflux surgery
Nissens - Total
Toupet - posterior partial (270)
Dor - Anterior (180) - common with cardiomyotomy
Risks of Nissens
Swallowing difficult for 2 weeks - advise sloppy food
Bloating, inability to belch and flatulence
2% risk of conversion to open
Reparation (up to 15%
Reoccurrence of reflux
Dividing short gastric in Nissens
yes- allows floppy wrap - possible higher rates of early dysphagia
No- (some evidence for this) . Get higher rates of gas related problems if divided
OGD for Barretts
Record length using Prague Criteria
-Circumferential extent C
Maximum extent M
Biopsies as per Seattle protocol
-4 Quadrantic biopsies every 2 cm
Barretts Surveillance
BSG guidlines
No dysplasia >3cm OGD every 2-3yrs
Low Grade dysplasia - repeat in 6months - Needs to be confirmed on at least 2 sets of biopsies
Treatment low grade dysplasia in Barretss
Endoscopic treatments
RFA +yearly surveillance - Phoa et al - 1% vs 26.5% progression to HGD/cancer over 3yrs
Treatment high grade hysplasia (no flat lesiosn
Discuss at UGI MDT
EUS +/1 FNA in selective case to exclude advanced stage
Endoscopic resection/ablative Tx of which RFA is best safety profile
Endoscopic follow up is recommended after such Tx with biopsies at previous extent
Schatzki Ring
Benign ring-like stricture at lower oesophagus (squamous-columnar junction)
Postientally related to GORD
Tx by maximal acid suppression and balloon dilatation to fracture ring (16-20mm
GOJ cancers
Siewert classification
Type 1 1-5cm above gastric cardia
type 2 (true) 1cm above to 2cm below
Type 3 2-5cm below
Staging - Ct C/A/P, PET and EUA (diagnostic lap for 2/3)
T1 Tumours EMR/ESR
T2-T4 - Period Chemo - FLOT 4 trial then ILO
Median survival at 50months with FLOT and 35months with ECF/ECX
ILO - Laparotomy for abdominal approach then Right throacic approach with anastomosis high in chest
Pathology report
R status, T and N status
Lymph node yields
High >25
Intermediate 15-25