Upper Extremity Muscles Flashcards
supraspinatus prox attch
medial 2/3 of supraspinous fossa & fascia
pectoralis major distal attach
lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus
pectoralis major axn
clavicular head: flexion, adduction of humerus
sternal: adduct and internal rotation of humerus
Pectoralis Major prox attach
clavicular head—ant surface of med 1/2 of clavicle
sternocostal head— ant surface of sternum & first 6 costal cartilages & aponeurosis of external oblique
Pectoralis Minor prox attach
ant surface of ext surface of ribs 3-5 (near costal cartilages)
Subclavius prox attach
junction of first rib and costal cartilage
Serratus Anterior prox attach
external surfaces of upper 8 ribs
Rhomboid Major prox attach
spines and supraspinous ligaments of TV2-5
Rhomboid Minor prox attach
lower portion of ligamentum nuchae, CV7 and TV1 spines
Levator Scapulae prox attach
posterior tubercles of trans. Processes of CV1-CV4
Subscapularis prox attach
subscap fossa
supraspinatus distal attach
superior facet of greater tubercle of humerus (blends with capsule)
supraspinatus axn
abduction (esp. in empty can)
holds head in of humerus in glenoid
supraspinatus innervation
suprascapular n. C4,5,6
infraspinatus prox attach
medial 2/3 of infraspinous fossa, lower surface scapular spine
infraspinatus distal attach
middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus (blends with capsule)
infraspinatus axn
ER of humerus
holds head of humerus in glenoid
infraspinatus innervation
suprascapular C5,6
teres minor prox attach
from lateral margin of infraspinous fossa
teres minor distal attach
lowest facet on greater tubercle of humerus and area just distal
teres minor axn
ER of humerus
holds head of humerus in glenoid
teres minor innervation
axillary (C5,6)
teres major prox attach
dorsal surface of scap near inferior angle
teres major distal attach
medial lip of humeral inter tubercular groove (posterior to lat dorsi tendon)
teres major axn
ext, adduction, IR of humerus
teres major innervation
lower subscapular (C5,6)
trapezius prox attach
upper: ligamentum nuchae, superior nuchal line, & ext protuberance of occipital bone
middle: CV7 spine, TV1,2 spinous processes
lower: supraspinous ligaments of all thoracic vertebrae
trapezius distal attach
upper: lateral 1/3 of clavicle
middle: middle acromion and spine of scapula
lower: tubercle of crest of scapula
trapezius axn
upper: upward rotation w/ lower, elevation, retract/add scapula
middle: retract and adduct scap
lower: upward rotation with upper, depression, retract and adduct scap
trapezius innervation
cranial nerve XI (spinal accessory; motor)
C3,4 ventral rami (proprioception and pain)
pectoralis major innervation
medial (C8,T1) and lateral pectoral (C5,6,7)
pectoralis minor distal attach
upper surface of coracoid process
pectoralis minor axn
stabilize scap, brings it inferiority and anteriorly against thoracic wall, depresses tip of shoulder
pectoralis minor innervation
medial (C8, T1) and lateral pectoral (C5,6,7)
subclavius distal attach
inferior surface of middle 1/3 of clavicle