LE Muscles Flashcards
Gluteus Maximus prox attach
posterior ilium to posterior gluteal line, dorsal surface of sacrum and coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament
Gluteus Maximus distal attach
gluteal tuberosity of the femur and iliotibial tract that insert on lateral tibial condyle
Gluteus Maximus innervation
inferior gluteal n. L5, S1, S2
Gluteus Maximus axn
thigh extension, extension of trunk when LE is fixed, assists in ER of hip
Gluteus Medius prox attach
external surface of ilium between anterior and posterior gluteal line
Gluteus Medius distal attach
lateral surface of greater trochanter
Gluteus Medius innervation
superior gluteal n. L4, L5, S1
Gluteus Medius axn
abduction and internal rotation of thigh, abducts pelvis
Gluteus minimus prox attach
external surface of ilim between anterior and inferior gluteal lines
Gluteus minimus distal attach
anterior surface of greater trochanter
Gluteus minimus innervation
superior gluteal n. L4, L5, S1
Gluteus minimus axn
abduction and internal rotation of thigh, abduction of pelvis
Obturator Externus prox attach
margins of obturator foramen and membrane
Obturator Externus distal attach
trochanteric fossa of femur
Obturator Externus innervation
obturator n. L3-L4
Obturator Externus axn
external rotation of thigh; steadies head of femur
Obturator Internus prox attach
pelvic surface of obturator foramen and surrounding bones
Obturator Internus distal attach
medial surface of greater trochanter; blending with gemelli insertion
Obturator Internus innervation
n to obturator internus and superior gemelli L5-S1
Obturator Internus axn
external rotation of the extended thigh; abduction of flexed thigh; steadies femoral head
Piriformis prox attach
anterior surface of sacrum and sacrotuberous ligament
Piriformis distal attach
superior border of greater trochanter
Piriformis innervation
n to piriformis, S1-S2
Piriformis axn
external rotation of the extended thigh; abduction of flexed thigh, steadies femoral head
Gemellus superior prox attach
ischial spine
Gemellus superior distal attach
medial surface of greater trochanter
Gemellus superior innervation
n. to obturator internus, superior gemelli
Gemellus superior axn
ER of extended though, abd of flexed thigh; steadies femur
Gemellus inferior prox attach
ischial tuberosity
Gemellus inferior distal attach
medial surface greater trochanter
Gemellus inferior innervation
n. to quadratus femoris inferior gemellus, L5 S1
Gemellus inferior axn
ER of extended thigh, abd of flexed thigh, steadies the femur
Quadratus femoris prox attach
lateral border of ischial tuberosity
Quadratus femoris distal attach
quadrate tubercle on interotrochanteric crest of femur
Quadratus femoris innervation
n. to quadratus femoris inferior gemellus L5-S1
Quadratus femoris axn
ER of thigh; steadies femoral head
Rectus femoris prox attach
AIIS and ilium superior to acetabulum
Rectus femoris distal attach
base of patella via quad tendon and by the patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity
Rectus femoris innervation
femoral n. L2,3,4
Rectus femoris axn
flexes thigh, extends leg
Vastus lateralis prox attach
greater trochanter, lateral lip of linea aspera, lateral intermuscular septum
Vastus lateralis distal attach
base of patella via quad tendon and by the patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity
Vastus lateralis innervation
femoral n. L2,3,4
Vastus lateralis axn
extends leg at knee joint
Vastus medialis prox attach
intertrochanteric line, and medial lip of linea aspera
Vastus medialis distal attach
base of patella via quad tendon and by the patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity
Vastus medialis innervation
femoral n. L2,3,4
Vastus medialis axn
extend leg at knee joint
Vastus intermedius distal attach
base of patella via quad tendon and by the patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity
Vastus intermedius prox attach
anterior and lateral surfaces of body and femur
Vastus intermedius innervation
femoral n. L2,3,4
Vastus intermedius axn
extend leg at knee joint
Tensor fascia lata prox attach
ASIS and anterior part of iliac crest
Tensor fascia lata distal attach
iliotibial tract (with fibers of glut max) to lateral tibial condyle
Tensor fascia lata innervation
superior gluteal n. L4,5, S1
Tensor fascia lata axn
Abd, IR, flex hip; assist with knee extension
Sartorius prox attach
ASIS and superior part of notch inferior to it
Sartorius distal attach
superior, medial tibia (covers tendons of gracilis and semitendinosus)
Sartorius innervation
femoral n. L2,3
Sartorius axn
Flex, abd, ER at hip; flexes leg at knee; IR of tibia at knee
Gracilis prox attach
body and inferior ramus of pubis
Gracilis distal attach
superior, medial tibia
Gracilis innervation
obturator n. L2,3 anterior branch
Gracilis axn
add thigh; flexes leg and assists with IR of tibia at knee
Pectineus prox attach
superior ramus of pubis
Pectineus distal attach
pectineal line of femur, inferior to lesser trochanter
Pectineus innervation
femoral n. L2,3; sometimes obturator n
Pectineus axn
add and flex thigh, assists with IR of thigh
Adductor brevis prox attach
body and inferior ramus of pubis
Adductor brevis distal attach
pectineal line and proximal part of linea aspera of femur
Adductor brevis innervation
obturator n, anterior branch L2,3,4
Adductor brevis axn
add thigh; assists with flexion of thigh
Adductor longus prox attach
body of pubis inferior to pubic crest
Adductor longus distal attach
middle 1/3 of linea aspera
Adductor longus innervation
obturator n anterior branch L2,3,4
Adductor longus axn
adducts thigh
Adductor magnus (adductor portion) prox attach
inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium
Adductor magnus (adductor portion) distal attach
gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, medial supracondylar line
Adductor magnus (adductor portion) innervation
obturator n, posterior branch L2,3,4
Adductor magnus (adductor portion) axn
add and flex thigh
Adductor magnus (hamstring portion) prox attach
ischial tuberosity
Adductor magnus (hamstring portion) distal attach
adductor tubercle of femur
Adductor magnus (hamstring portion) innervation
tibial portion sciatic n L4
Adductor magnus (hamstring portion) axn
add and ext thigh
Biceps femoris long head prox attach
ischial tuberosity
Biceps femoris long head distal attach
lateral head of fibula
Biceps femoris long head innervation
tibial portion sciatic n. L5,S1,2
Biceps femoris long head axn
flex leg, ER of leg at knee, ext thigh
Biceps femoris short head prox attach
linea aspera and lateral supracondylar line
Biceps femoris short head distal attach
lateral head of fibula
Biceps femoris short head innervation
common peroneal n. L5,S1,2
Biceps femoris short head axn
flex leg, ER tibia on femur
Semitendinosus prox attach
ischial tuberosity
Semitendinosus distal attach
medial surface of superior tibia
Semitendinosus innervation
tibial portion of sciatic n, L5,S1,2
Semitendinosus axn
ext thigh, flex leg and IR tibia on femur; ext trunk
Semimembranosus prox attach
ischial tuberosity
Semimembranosus distal attach
posterior part of medial tibial condyle and reflected attachment (Oblique popliteal ligament)
Semimembranosus innervation
tibial portion of sciatic n, L5,S1,2
Semimembranosus axn
ext thigh, flex leg and IR tibia on femur; ext trunk
Tibialis anterior prox attach
lateral condyle and superior half of lateral surface of tibia and interosseous membrane
Tibialis anterior distal attach
medial and plantar surface of medial cuneiform, base of 1st metatarsal
Tibialis anterior innervation
deep peroneal n. L4,5
Tibialis anterior axn
strongest DF of ankle, inversion of the foot
Extensor hallucis longus prox attach
middle anterior fibula, interosseous membrane
Extensor hallucis longus distal attach
dorsal aspect of base of distal phalanx of great toe
Extensor hallucis longus innervation
deep peroneal n L4,5,S1
Extensor hallucis longus axn
extension of great toe, DF ankle, inverts foot
Extensor digitorum longus prox attach
lateral condyle of tibia, proximal 3/4 medial surface of fibula, interosseous membrane
Extensor digitorum longus distal attach
base of middle and distal phalanges of lateral 4 toes
Extensor digitorum longus innervation
deep peroneal n L4,5,S1
Extensor digitorum longus axn
DF ankle, extends lateral 4 digits, weak evertor of foot
Fibularis tertius prox attach
inferior 1/3 of anterior surface of fibula and interosseous membrane
Fibularis tertius distal attach
dorsum of base of 5th MT
Fibularis tertius innervation
deep peroneal n. L4,5,S1
Fibularis tertius axn
DF ankle, assists in eversion
Fibularis longus prox attach
head and proximal 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula
Fibularis longus distal attach
base of 1st metatarsal, medial cuneiform
Fibularis longus innervation
superficial peroneal n. L5,S1,2
Fibularis longus axn
eversion of foot, PF ankle, depress base of 1st MT
Fibularis brevis prox attach
distal 2/3 lateral surface of fibula
Fibularis brevis distal attach
dorsal surface of tuberosity on lateral side of 5th MT
Fibularis brevis innervation
superficial peroneal n L5,S1,2
Fibularis brevis axn
eversion of foot, weak PF of ankle
Gastrocnemius prox attach
lateral head: lateral aspect of lateral condyle of femur
medial head: popliteal surface of femur, superior to medial condyle
Gastrocnemius distal attach
posterior calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
Gastrocnemius innervation
Tibial n S1,2
Gastrocnemius axn
PF ankle, flex leg at knee, invert foot
Soleus prox attach
posterior aspect of head of fibula, superior 1/4 posterior surface of fibula, soleal line and medial border of tibia
Soleus distal attach
posterior surface of calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
Soleus innervation
tibial n S1,2
Soleus axn
PF ankle regardless of knee position, inversion of the foot
Plantaris prox attach
inferior end of lateral supracondylar line of femur and oblique popliteal ligament
Plantaris distal attach
posterior surface of calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
Plantaris innervation
Tibial n S1,2
Plantaris axn
weak assist in PF of ankle and knee flexion
Tibialis posterior prox attach
interosseous membrane, posterior surface of tibia inferior to soleal line and posterior surface of fibula
Tibialis posterior distal attach
tuberosity of navicular, all cuneiform bones, sustentaculum tali, cuboid, base of 2nd, 3rd, and 4t MT (all tarsal bones except talus)
Tibialis posterior innervation
tibial n L4,5
Tibialis posterior axn
main invertor of foot, PF ankle, resist collapse of arch
Flexor hallucis longus prox attach
inferior 2/3 of posterior surface of fibula and inferior part of interosseous membrane
Flexor hallucis longus distal attach
base of distal phalanx of great toe
Flexor hallucis longus innervation
Tibial N S2,3
Flexor hallucis longus axn
flexes great toe, PF ankle, inversion of foot, supports medial long arch
Flexor digitorum longus prox attach
medial part of posterior surface of tibia, inferior to soleal line
Flexor digitorum longus distal attach
base of distal phalanges of lateral 4 toes
Flexor digitorum longus innervation
Tibial n S2,3
Flexor digitorum longus axn
flexes lateral 4 digits, PF ankle inversion foot; supports long arch