Upper extremity classifications and surgical HY Flashcards
Clavicle Fx
1. Middle 3rd fx (80%).
2. Distal 3rd fx (15%).
Type I: interligamentous fx.
Type II: medial to coracoclavicular ligament.
Type IIa: conoid and trapezoid attached to distal frag.
Type IIb: conoid torn, trapezoid attached to distal frag.
Type III: intraarticular fx of AC joint.
3. Prox 3rd fx (5%).
type I: minimally, Type II: displaced, Type III: intraarticular, type IV: epiphyseal, Type V: comminuted.
Prox humerus fx
# of parts-greater tub, lesser tub, shaft, hum head.
Parts displaced >1cm or 45 degree angulation
Supracondylar humerus fx
Gartland: Extension Type: 1. nondisplaced. 2. displaced w/ intact posterior cortex. 3. complete displacement. Flexion type: 1. Nondisplaced. 2. Displaced w/ intact anterior cortex. 3. complete displacement, anterolateral.
olecranon fx
- nondisplaced - 1a. non-comminuted, 1b. comminuted.
- diplaced - 2a. non-comminuted, 2b. comminuted.
- unstable - 3a. non-comminuted, 3b. comminuted.
radial head fx
- nondisplaced.
- marginal fx (impaction, angulation).
- comminuted fx.
- associated w/ dislocation (johnston)
radial head dislocation/prox ulna fx:
1. anterior dislocation/anterior angulation (70%).
2. posterior dislocation/posterior angulation (5%).
3. lateral dislocation/ greenstick ulna (25%).
4. Anterior dislocation/ both bone forearm fx (7%).
distal 3rd radius fx/ DRUJ disruption
Galeazzi fx
Scapular glenoid fx
- Avulsion of anterior rim.
2a. transverse glenoid fx, exit fossa inferior.
2b. oblique glenoid fx, exit fossa inferior. - oblique glenoid fx, exit fossa superior.
- Transverse fx, exit medial border of fossa.
- Type 2 + 4
periprosthetic Total shoulder arthroplasty fx
University of Texas san antonia class:
- Humerus fx proximal to tip of stem prosthesis.
- huerus fx extends beyond tip of stem prosthesis.
- fx entirely distal to tip of prosthesis.
- fx occurs adjacent to glenoid prosthesis.
AC joint separation
- AC ligament sprain.
- AC ligament Tear.
- AC + coracoclavicular ligaments torn
- Distal clavical displaced into trapezius
- Distal clavicle >100% displaced
- clavicle displaced inferior to coracoid
intercondylar humerus fx
Riseborough & Radin:
- Non-displaced.
- Slight displaced, no rotation b/t fragments.
- Displaced w/ rotation.
- Comminution of articular surface.
Coronoid process fx
Regan & Morrey:
- Avulsion of tip of process.
- 50% of coronoid process fx.
capitellum fx
Large component of capitellum: Hahn-Steinthal.
Articular cartilage cap: Kocher-Lorenz
Distal radius fx
I, II - extraarticular, w/ ulna styloid fx.
III, IV - radiocarpal joint, w/ styloid.
V, VI - radioulnar joint, w/ styloid.
VII, VIII - radiocarpal + radioulnar joint, w/ styloid.
Thumb fx:
- 1st MC base fx, avulsion of APL: Bennett.
- Bennet + Y or T type Fx: Rolando.
Scaphoid fx blood supply
main blood supply: dorsal scaphoid branch of radial artery entering dorsal ridge 80%.
scaphoid fx test
Watson test: wrist ulnar & radial deviation w/ palmar pressure over scaphoid.
Scaphoid fx locations
Tuberosity 15%, distal pole 10%, waist 70%, proximal pole 5%.
Scaphoid fx time to union
distal 3rd: 8 weeks. Middle 3rd: 10-12 weeks. Proximal 3rd: 12-24 weeks.
Scaphoid surgical indications:
> 1mm displacement, >15 angulation (humback deformity), proximal pole fx
Scaphoid surgical approach
volar: b/t flexor carpi radialis and radial artery.
Healing rate of scaphoid fx with nonoperative tx
Tuberosity & distal 3rd: 100%, waist: 80-90%, proximal pole: 60-70%.
distal radius fx acceptable alignment
volar tilt: neutral.
radial inclination:
Distal radius operative indication:
Loss of reduction, open fx, loss of volar buttress, articular comminution or step off, DRUJ incongruity.
distal humerus single column condyle fx classification
Type 1 - lateral trochlear ridge left intact.
Type 2 - Lateral trochlear ridge part of the condylar fragment (medial or lateral)