upper extremity anatomy Flashcards
types of acromion
shoulder region
20 muscles
3 articulating bones
3 jts.
sup. angle of scapula
spine of scapula
inf. angle of scapula
drop shoulder
weak upper trapz
lat. winging of scapula
rhomboids and trapz
medial winging
serratus anterior
o: upper 2/3 - teres minor
lower 1/3 - teres major
lateral border of scapula
insertion: lev. scapulae
rhomboids minor & major
serratus anterior
medial border of scapula
o: latissimus dorsi
i: serratus anterior
inferior angle of scapula
o: posterior deltoid
i: lower trapezius
spine of the scapula
aka “shoulder summit”
acromion process
deepens the glenoid fossa
glenoid labrum
pass: tendon of biceps brachii
protect: transverse humeral lig.
palpation: sh. er
bicipital groove
aka “ radial groove”
spiral groove
aka “ musculo spinal nerve”
radial nerve
N: norkin - 130-150
brunnstrom- 135
angle of inclination
lImits ER and inferior translation
coracohumeral ligament