upper extremity anatomy Flashcards
types of acromion
shoulder region
20 muscles
3 articulating bones
3 jts.
sup. angle of scapula
spine of scapula
inf. angle of scapula
drop shoulder
weak upper trapz
lat. winging of scapula
rhomboids and trapz
medial winging
serratus anterior
o: upper 2/3 - teres minor
lower 1/3 - teres major
lateral border of scapula
insertion: lev. scapulae
rhomboids minor & major
serratus anterior
medial border of scapula
o: latissimus dorsi
i: serratus anterior
inferior angle of scapula
o: posterior deltoid
i: lower trapezius
spine of the scapula
aka “shoulder summit”
acromion process
deepens the glenoid fossa
glenoid labrum
pass: tendon of biceps brachii
protect: transverse humeral lig.
palpation: sh. er
bicipital groove
aka “ radial groove”
spiral groove
aka “ musculo spinal nerve”
radial nerve
N: norkin - 130-150
brunnstrom- 135
angle of inclination
lImits ER and inferior translation
coracohumeral ligament
limits SH. ER
GH ligament
mc cause of shoulder pain
subacromial bursitis
abduction, flexion ,internal rotation
anterior deltoid
medial deltoid
abduction, extension, external rotation
posterior deltoid
s: teres minor
i: teres major
m: triceps
l: surgical neck of humerus
quadrilateral space
common origin of wrist flexor
medial epicondyle
common origin of wrist extensor & supinator
lateral epicondyle
maintain the attachment and prevents excessive distraction of the radial head
annular ligament
found between the radius and ulna, ms attachment
interosseus membrane
t: hinge/ginglymus
a: capitulum+ fovea of radial head
l: LCL= function limits varus force
k: 1 DOF: flex and extend
humeroradial joint
t: hinge/ginglymus
a: trohlea & trochlear notch
l: MCL= function limits valgus force
k: 1 DOF: flex and extend
humeroulnar joint
medial boundary of cubital fossa
pronator teres
lateral boundary of cubital fossa
medial floor of cubital fossa
lateral floor of cubital fossa
medial attachment of flexor retinaculum
hook of hamate and pisiform
lateral attachment of flexor retinaculum
scaphoid and trapezium
medial attachment of extensor retinaculum
hook of hamate and pisiform
lateral attachment of extensor retinaculum
distal end of radius
aka “ fibroosseus tunnel”
tunnel of guyon
medial boundary of anatomic snuffbox
lateral boundary of anatomic snuffbox
floor of anatomic snuffbox
extensor mechanism lateral band
swan neck
extensor mechanism central band
boutonnierre’s deformity
abductor pollicis brevis
flexor pollicis brevis
opponens pollicis brevis
thenar eminence
abductor digiti minimi brevis
flexor digiti minimi brevis
opponens digiti minimi
hypothenar eminence
ligaments affected in AC JT. sprain
AC ligament and CC ligament
test integrity of transverse humeral ligament
drop arm / yergason test