Upper Extremity Flashcards
Mobile joint
upper extremity
prehensile organ (body part or organ that is adapted for seizing or grasping, especially by wrapping around)
1) Clavicle
2) Scapula
3) Humerus
- Flat, triangular bone
- Lies between T2 – T7
- only attachment of UE to trunk
- saddle joint– 2 planes;2* of freedom
- (+) articular disc
sternoclavicular joint
- Ant and post sternoclavicular lig.
- Interclavicular lig
- Costoclavicular lig
ligaments of sternoclavicular joint
ligament strong; primary stability
costoclavicular ligament
- contraction (serratus anterior)
- retraction (trapezius and rhomboid)
- elevation (trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae, rhomboid)
- depression (pectoralis minor and subclavius)
plane joint
- Superior and inferior acromioclavicular lig
- Coracoclavicular lig
acromioclavicular joint
conoid and trapezoid
coracoclavicular ligament
gliding movements takes place when the scapula rotates or when the clavicle is elevated or depressed
acromioclavicular joint
- (+) glenoid labrum
- ball & socket joint; 3 degrees of freedom
- very mobile but limited stability
glenohumeral joint
- Glenohumeral lig
- Transverse humeral lig
- Coracohumeral lig
- Coracoacromial lig
glenohumeral joint
Z-band; 3 fibers; weak
glenohumeral ligament
- flexion,
- extension,
- abduction,
- adduction,
- IR,
- ER
glenohumeral joint
- Elevation
- Depression
- Protraction / abduction Retraction / adduction
- Upward rotation
- Downward rotation
scapular motions
2:1 ratio for abduction
scapulo-humeral mechanism
UE (scapula / humerus)
vertebral column
thoracic wall
- Trapezius
- Latissimus Dorsi
- LevatorScapulae
- Rhomboid minor
- Rhomboid major
back to upper ex
Teres minor
Teres major
scapula to humerus
thoracic wall to upper ex
- Pyramid-shaped
- passage of nerves, blood and lymph vessels
Strong sheet of connective tissue that is attached above to the clavicle
Splits to enclose pecs minor
Continues downward as suspensory ligament
clavipectoral fascia
- Intermuscular space below shoulder joint
- Axillary nerve and post circumflex artery
quadrangular space
Muscles: Biceps brachii, brachialis, coracobrachialis Blood Supply: brachial artery
Nerve supply: musculocutaneous n.
anterior fascial compartment
musculocutaneous, median and ulnar nerve
Brachial artery and basilic vein
Radial nerve in lower part
anterior fascial compartment
Muscle: triceps Nervesupply: radial nerve
Blood supply: profunda brachii and ulnar collateral artery
Structures: radial nerve (upper part) and ulnar nerve
posterior compartment
synovial hinge joint
humeroradial joint
- aka “Humeroulnar joint”
- synovial hinge joint
elbow joint
- Flexion
- Extension
elbow joint
- lateral ligament
- medial ligament
- anterior and posterior transverse
elbow joint
- synovial pivot joint
- annular ligament
- pronation
- supination
proximal radiulnar joint
- synovial pivot joint
- anterior & posterior ligament
- pronation
- supination
distal radioulnar joint
Superficial: Pronator teres, FCR, Palmaris longus, FCU Intermediate: FDS
Deep: FDP, FPL and Pronator quadratus
Nerve supply: Median n. (except FCU and med 1⁄2 of FDP)
Blood supply: radial and ulnar a.
anterior fascial compartment (forearm)
Muscles: Brachioradialis, ECRL
Nerve Supply: Radial n.
Blood supply: Radial and brachial a.
lateral fascial compartment (forearm)
Superficial: ECRB, ED, EDM, ECU, Aconeus
Deep : Supinator, APL, EPB, EPL, EI
Nervesupply: deepbranch of radial n.
Blood supply: post. & ant. interosseus a.
posterior fascial compartment (forearm)
Med: pronator teres
Lat: brachioradialis
Sup: imaginary line bet 2 epicondyles
Contents: brachial a.
median n. radial n. biceps tendon
cubital fossa
- formed bet olecranon & medial
epicondyle - ulnar n. passes through
cubital tunnel
-Proximal row(lat to med.):
Scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, & pisiform -Distal row:
trapezium, trapezoid, capitate,& hamate
8 carpals
fingers(3), thumb(2)
-aka “radiocarpal joint” -synovial ellipsoid joint LIGAMENTS:
- Ant. &post. Lig.
- Med. &lat. Lig. MOTIONS:
- Flexion,ext, abd, and add
wrist joint
-synovial plane joints
- Ant. & Post. lig.
- Interosseous lig.
MOTIONS: small amount of gliding
intercarpal joints
- same with intercarpal joints
- trapezium & 1st metacarpal bone
- synovial saddle shaped joint
- Flexion & ext. - Abd. & add.
- Rotation (opposition)
carpometacarpal & intermetacarpal joints
- synovial condyloid joints
LIGAMENTS: - palmar lig
- deep transverse
metacarpal lig - collateral lig
MOTIONS: - Flexion & ext.
- Abd. & add.
metacarpopphalangeal joint
- same with MCP Joints
- synovial hinge joint
interphalangeal joints
- forms the “carpal tunnel”
- thickening of deep fascia
- holds long flexor tendons in position at the wrist
- Med: pisiform and hook of hamate
- Lat: scaphoid and trapezium
- upper border = distal transverse crease in front of wrist
- lower border = attached to palmar aponeurosis
flexor retinaculum
contents: 10
Median nerve
FPL tendon
FDS tendons (4)
FDP tendons (4)
carpal tunnel
- formed by pisiform and hook of hamate and the
flexor retinaculum and palmar carpal ligament - ulnar nerve and ulnar artery passes through
tunnel of guyon
Thickening of deep fascia at post of wrist
Holds long extensor tendons in place
6 tunnels
Med: pisiform and hook of hamate
Lat: distal end of radius
extensor retinaculum
Boundaries: APL, EPB and EPL
- scaphoid is easily palpated here
- pulsations of radial a. can be felt here
anatomic snuffbox
Palmaris brevis
Interossei: palmar and dorsal
intrinsic muscles of hand
Thenar eminence: APB, FPB, OP
Adductor pollicis
thenar muscles
Nerve supply: all ulnar n. except lat 1⁄2 of lumbricals
hypothenar muscles
- triangular; central area of palm
- apex attached to distal border of flexor retinaculum
- base- dividesto 4 slips to bases of fingers
- 2 bands: superficial to skin, deep to root of finger
- Fxn: give firm attachment to overlying skin, improve grip, protect underlying tendons
palmar aponeurosis
At anterior surface of head finger
From head of MC to base of distal phalanx
Prox end is open
Distal end attached to base of distal phalanx
fibrous flexor sheath
aka ulnar bursa (common to FDS and FDP)
synovial flexor sheaths
synovial flexor sheaths
continues to tendons of little finger
medial part
synovial flexor sheaths
stops in the middle of palm
lateral part
synovial flexor sheaths
digital synovial sheaths
other fingers
connect tendons to ant surface of phalanges
vincula longa and brevia
Insertion of Long Flexor Tendons
inserts to base of middle phalanx
central band
converge to base of distal phalanx
2 lateral bands
- From axilla, it pierces coracobrachialis
- Continues down bet. Biceps & brachialis
- Above elbow, it pierces deep fascia
- Continues as Lateral Cutaneous nerve to the forearm
musculocutaneous nerve
- From axilla, goes down medial arm and halfway down, crosses brachial a.
- Enters cubital fossa and runs behind FDS
- At wrist emerges behind flexor retinaculum
- Ant. interosseous nerve
median nerve
- branch given as median nerve emerges bet 2 heads of pronator teres
- Supplies FPL, PQ and lat 2 FDP
anterior interosseous nerve
- From axilla, goes down the medial side of brachial artery
- At the level of insertion of coracobrachialis, accompanied by superior ulnar collateral a. – enters
posterior arm to cubital tunnel - Passes between 2 heads of FCU
- Emerges bet FCU and FDS
- As its cross-flexor retinaculum divides into superficial and deep branch
- Superficial: Pass through Tunnel of guyon
- Deep: supplies intrinsic muscles of hand
ulnar nerve
- From axilla, runs posterior to arm (spiral groove)
- Goes anteriorly above lateral epicondyle
- Superficial branch: continues to distal FA, behind brachioradialis, where it goes to posterior wrist
- Deep branch: pierces supinator, winds around neck of radius -> post. interosseous n.
radial nerve
- Subclavian artery
- Axillary artery
- Brachial artery
- Radial artery
- Ulnar artery
- Palmar arch
- Digital arteries
arterial circulation
- (R) – from brachiocephalic trunk
- (L) – from arch of aorta
- Passes behind clavicle
- Ends at outer end of 1st rib
- Continues as axillary artery
subclavian artery
artery that supplies brain
vertebral artery
artery supplies breast & thorax
internal thoracic artery
- Origin: outer border of 1st rib
- Passes through axilla
axillary artery
Divided into 3 parts by pectoralis minor:
* 1st part: from 1st rib to upper edge of pecs minor
* 2nd part: behind pecs minor
* 3rd part: from lower border of pecs minor to teres major
axillary artery
Divided into 3 parts by scalenus anterior
* 1st part: medial to scalenus anterior
* 2nd part: behind scalenus anterior
* 3rd part: lateral to scalenus anteriorto outer border of 1st rib
behind subclavius and subclavian vein
subclavian artery
1st part: highest thoracic a. – runs along upper border of pecs minor
2nd part:
* thoracoacromial a.
* Lateral thoracic a. – runs along lower boder of pecs minor 3rd part: supply shoulder region
* Ant and post circumflex humeral artery
* Subscapular artery
axillary artery
- Main blood supply of arm
- Origin: lower edge of teres major
- Runs down medial aspect of arm, crosses cubital fossa under brachialis, extends 1cm below elbow jt
- Bifurcates into radial & ulnar arteries
brachial artery
*Profunda brachii a.:travels post to arm in the radial groove(with radial n.) – supply post arm
* Superior ulnar collateral a.
* Inferior ulnar collateral a.
brachial artery
- Supplies posterior forearm
- Smaller than ulnar artery
radial artery
radial artery
cubital fossa, begins at level of radial neck
radial artery
passes lateral side of forearm (with venae commitantes)
radial artery
* lies bet. BR & FCR (radial pulse)
* Passes over anatomic snuffbox
* Pass bet 2 heads of dorsal interossei & add pollicis
radial artery
- contributes mainly to supply of the thumb and the lateral side of the index finger
* Branches: princeps pollicis & radialis indicis
- Supplies anterior forearm
- Begins in cubital fossa at level of neck of radius
ulnar artery
ulnar artery
deep to pronator teres and flexor ms
ulnar artery
runs at medial aspect
* Emerges on radial side of FCU
* Branches: Common interosseous a.-ant&post
interosseous artery
ulnar artery
ant to flexor retinaculum, passes Guyon’s canal (medial to pisiform)
ulnar artery
contributes mainly to the supply of the rest of the digits, and the medial side of the index finger
- Anastomoses of radial and ulnar arteries
palmar arch and digital arteries
- Ant to flexor tendons
- More a continuation of ulnar a.
- Palmar metacarpal and digital arteries arise to supply fingers and hand
superficial palmar arch
- More a continuation of radial a.
- Digital arteries
deep palmar arch
- Cephalic vein
- Basilic vein
- Median vein
- Median cubital vein
superficial venous circulation
- Lies proximal to MCP joints
- Drains to cephalic vein on lateral side and basilic vein on medial side
dorsal venous arch
- From dorsal venous network
- Ascends anterolateral aspect of forearm, ant to elbow
- In upper arm, passes bet deltoid and pecs major
- Pierces clavicopectoral fascia
- joins axillary vein
cephalic vein
- Begins at ulnar part of dorsal venous network
- Continues upward to the level of teres major as axillary vein
- Receives blood from inner aspect of hand, forearm and arm
basilic vein
- Begins at palmar venous network
- Ends when it joins the basilic vein in the ant forearm
median vein
- A branch of cephalic vein which connects to basilic vein at the level of cubital fossa
median cubital vein
- Located deep to the fascia
- Same name and same course as arteries
- Aka venae commitantes; comes in pairs
1. Palmar metacarpal veins
2. Deep palmar venous arch
3. Ulnar veins
4. Radial veins
5. Brachial vein
6. Axillary vein
7. Subclavian vein
deep venous circulation
- Superficial and deep volar arches
deep veins of the hand
- Venae comitantes of the radial and ulnar veins
- Unite ant to elbow to form brachial vein
deep veins of the forearm
- On either side of brachial artery
- On the lower margin of Subscapularis, joins the axillary vein
- The medial brachial vein joins basilic vein
brachial vein
- Begins at lower border of teres major
- Increases in size as it rises
- Ends at outer border of 1st rib
axillary vein
receives brachial veins
Lower border of subscap
- Begins at outer border of 1st rib
- Passes behind subclavius and clavicle
- Ends at sternal border of clavicle
- Continues to internal jugular vein
subclavian vein