Upper Back Flashcards
Origin of Trapezius
Medial third of superior nuchal line, ligamentum nuchae, C7-T12 (spinous process and supraspinous ligaments)
Insertion of trapezius
Occipital - Lateral posterior clavicle, medial acromion, superior lip scapular spine, medial lip of scapular spine (lower thoracic origin has a small recurved tendon)
Nerve supply of trapezius
Accessory spine nerve C1-5. Some proprioceptive input from C3-4/2
Action of trapezius
Turns scapula like a wingnut. retraction and upward glenoid tilt.
Origin of Lat Dorsi
T7 spinous process and supraspinous ligaments all the way to pelvis ilium and lower 3rd iliac crest 2
Insertion of Lat Dorsi
Inserts by 2.5cm tendon into intertubercular groove. Slips to inferior angle of scapula and lower four origins of external oblique
Nerve Supply to Lat Dorsi
Thoracodorsal C6,7,8
Rhomboid Major origin and insertion
T2-5 spinous process and supraspinous ligaments. Main attachment to inferior angle of scapula and then base of scapula spine. Has loose connective tissue in between attached to vertebral border of scapula
Rhomboid minor origin and insertion
C7 and T1 inserts in medial border of scapula below levator scapula.
Nerve supply to rhomboids
Dorsal scapula nerve C5
Levator Scapulae origin and insertion
C1-4 posterior turbecles, to medial angle of scapula 2
Nerve supply of levator scapulae
C3,4 anterior rami some C5 from dorsal scapula nerve
Serratus Anterior Origin and insertions
R1+2 = upper and angle of scapula C5
R 3 +4 = costal/vertebral angle of scapula C6
R5-8 = mix with external oblique attache to the inferior angle C7
Which part of serratus anterior is in the posterior triangle
1st digitation
Nerve supply of Serratus Anterior
Long thoracic Nerve C5,6,7.
C5 and 6 leave lateral border of scalenus medius then joined by C7 on body of serratus anterior.
Action of serratus anterior
Protraction, Lower four powerful rotation of scapula lateral and upward. Always keeping scapula hard against chest wall.